Housing Social

E9 26 March 2021: Māori Housing- Policy Annoucements

Māori Housing Current Policy Annoucements This week the Government has announced a range of measures to improve housing supply and affordability, particularly for first home buyers. This includes: a $3.8 billion fund to build more houses; changes (a softening) of rules for First Home Grants and Loans to increase eligibility
Employment Housing Ministry of Social Development Rōpu Māori Te Puni Kōkiri

E8 Salient Māori News Items to 19 March 2021

  One media outlet has run a story which appears to indicate that two Government agencies – the transport agency Waka Kotahi and Heritage New Zealand allegedly colluded to ensure a Taranaki hapū grouping, Poutama, was purposely not properly consulted with on a roading project which affected them. If proved

E8 19 March 2021: Māori in the Labour Market by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)

The final review this week is of data presented on Māori in the Labour Market by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). This is a short two-page report which summarises data from 2020.  In the main this is a good report, although it points out that the largest
Māori Media

E8 19 March 2021: Te Māngai Pāho Annual Report

The second annual report reviewed is that of Te Māngai Pāho. The most useful part of this report is the annex at the end showing who got what amount of funding. (That is good accountability and an action Te Mātāwai should follow.)  However, the question that arises to us is
Annual Reports Te Puni Kōkiri

E8 19 March 2021: Annual Report Te Puni Kōkiri

To close off the quarter we have also reviewed two further annual reports, those of Te Puni Kōkiri and Te Māngai Pāho. Both are good reports, but both raise structural and policy questions. In Te Puni Kōkiri’s case, two main questions present. First, great that monitoring other agencies is its

E8 19 March 2021: Children And Young People Court Charges Data

Title: Children And Young People Court Charges Data Publisher & Date: Ministry of Justice (MoJ): March 2021 Type of Document: Datasheets – Children and Youth People Length, style Excel tables.  (Note a short textual summary of adult and youth offending exists, but it does not contain Māori specific data, accordingly

E8 19 March 2021: 2020 Conviction and Sentencing Statistics

Criminal Justice Sector This week the Ministry of Justice has released statistics on criminal offending for 2020. Most of the statistics relating to Māori are simply presented as ‘raw data’ – literally a set of 20+ excel worksheets – with no further explanation.  Because of that unhelpfulness our reviews assimilate

E7 Salient Māori News Items to 12 March 2021

  Racism appears as a feature in the news this week. Setting aside major headlines around the Royal Family, there is also a minor article about a urologist at the national conference saying, in a panel presentation, that because ‘many Māori men are in prison’ there should not be a

E7 12 March 2021: Report of the Initial Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission

Title: Mā te rongo ake Through Listening and Hearing Publisher & Date: Initial Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (MHWH): March 2021 Type of Document: Report back Length, style: 160 pages (bilingual English and Māori), plain language.  (A summary ‘easy reader’ is also available.) Recommended readership: Subscribers within the health sector

E7 12 March 2021: Health Outcomes Annual Report

This week Pānui is focused on the health sector. Our first review is of the Health and Independence Report, published this week by the Ministry of Health. This is essentially an ‘all of sector’ stocktake that the Ministry prepares annually to provide an overall picture of the health of New

E6 5 March 2021: Salient Māori News

Last month the Ministry of Education released its annual report for the year ending 30 June 2020 on the Student Loan scheme.  Regarding Māori the report identified, in 2019 Māori were 22% (73,000) of all Tertiary education learners, and 17.6% of all active borrowers for the same period. Student Loan Scheme

E6 5 March 2021: Ngāti Maru signed a Deed of Settlement

Ngāti Maru and the Crown have signed a Deed of Settlement regarding the iwi’s historic Treaty of Waitangi claims. Ngāti Maru will receive financial and commercial redress valued at $30 million. Cultural redress includes the vesting of 16 sites of cultural significance, including Pūrangi and Tarata Domains. Treaty Negotiation Minister Andrew
Annual Reports Iwi Matters

E6 5 March 2021: Iwi Investment Report 2020

The final review we have untaken this week is a review of a review of iwi annual (financial reports). The consultancy firm, TDB advisory, annually prepares a report on the financial results of various iwi groups (nine iwi were selected this year).  They study return on assets deployed, and benchmark
Te Reo

E6 5 March 2021: Te Reo Māori Sector Reviews Annual reports

Over the last two weeks we have received good feedback on our editions focused on environmental and then social equity matters. Our challenge this week is to maintain interest levels as we venture into reviews of annual reports from Māori statutory entities. We have started with the Reo Māori domain

E3 12 February 2021: How MBIE is supporting Māori Economic Prosperity

Title: How MBIE is supporting Māori Economic Prosperity Publisher & Date:  Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (released December 2020) Type of Document: Advise for Ministers (14 in total) Length, style: A3 one-pager[1] Recommended readership: Subscribers interested in Māori economic matters Content summary: This A3 provides key facts and statistics