Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Treaty matters: E12 week ending 12 April 2013

Ngāti Pūkenga sign Deed of Settlement Last Friday Ngāti Pūkenga signed a Deed of Settlement with the Crown. The settlement includes a financial and commercial redress of $5 million.   Ngāti Rārua iwi to sign a Deed of Settlement On Saturday Ngāti Rārua iwi will sign a Deed of Settlement
Economic Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board – water storage discussions from E12 week ending 12 April 2013

The Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board has indicated it is seeking to hold discussions with Mighty River Power on costs for storing water, in Lake Taupō, which the energy company then uses to generate hydroelectricity.  This follows the possibility of litigation on this matter being identified as ‘a risk’ in the
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Funding to be provided for Grandparents raising children: from E12 week ending 12 April 2013

On Wednesday the Minister of Social Development, Paula Bennett, announced that the Government would provide $10 million of funding to grandparents who are raising grandchildren.  (The time-period of the funding is unknown, but Government budgets are generally for four-year periods, i.e. $2.5 million per annum is most likely, but this
Agriculture Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Miraka and Shanghai Pengxin enter into a Memorandum of Understanding: from E12 week ending 12 April 2013

The majority Māori-owned milk processing company, Miraka, entered into a milk supply agreement with Shanghai Pengxin Group this week.  Shanghai Pengxin (the owner of the former Crafer dairy farms), will supply milk to Miraka once a UHT-milk processing plant is completed. This agreement was signed during the current New Zealand
Agriculture Economic Fisheries Forestry Government Rōpu Māori

Report on Māori Land Productivity: from E12 week ending 12 April 2013

Last week we advised that the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) had released a report on increasing the productivity of Māori land.  The report, prepared by an external consultancy, is entitled, Growing the Productive Base of Māori Freehold Land. We advised that our initial review indicated that the report made economic
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Review of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 – Discussion Document Released: from E11 week ending 5 April 2013

On Wednesday the Minister of Māori Affairs, Dr Sharples, and the Associate Minister of Māori Affairs, Chris Finlayson, jointly released a discussion document on proposed changes to the Te Ture Whenua Māori Act (1993) (‘the Act’).  The discussion document outlines five conceptual changes to the Act which have been proposed
Agriculture Economic Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Report on Māori Land Productivity released: from E11 week ending 5 April 2013

On Wednesday the Ministry of Primary Industries also released a report on Māori land – presumably to support the release of the above consultation document.  This research report provides scenario information on potential economic impacts if more Māori land was farmed more productively.  The report, prepared by a consultancy, is
Rōpu Māori

Auckland road traffic injuries study: from E11 week ending 5 April 2013

The University of Auckland has published a study on road traffic injuries.  The study finds that Māori are the ethnic group most at risk of injury, in particular Māori children.  The study is entitled, Social and geographical differences in road traffic injury in the Auckland region, and based on road
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Ngāi Tūhoe initial Deed of Settlement

Today Ngāi Tūhoe is initialling a Deed of Settlement with the Crown, to reach an Agreement in Principle for settling Treaty grievances. The settlement redress value is approximately $170 million, inclusive of Ngāi Tūhoe interests in the Central North Island (CNI) forestry.  The settlement includes creating a new legislative category
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Treaty issues – Maungaharuru–Tangitū Hapū initial Deed of Settlement, Waipa River joint management agreement, and Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki Tribal Trust: from E11 week ending 5 April 2013

Maungaharuru–Tangitū Hapū initial Deed of Settlement On the 22 March Maungaharuru–Tangitū hapū (north of Napier) initialled a Deed of Settlement with the Crown, to reach an Agreement in Principle for settling Treaty grievances. The financial redress value is approximately $23 million, inclusive of $13.3 million cash and $9.7 million in
Rōpu Māori

Māori news stories for the week ending 5 April 2013

• This week media reports have indicated that one of the trustees of the Crown Forestry Rental Trust, Sir Edward Durie, is seeking a court ruling to clarify the appointment process relating to alternatives when conflict of interests present.  By way of background, this Trust, which provides funding to Treaty of
Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Uncategorized

New Race Relations Commissioner – Dame Susan Devoy: excerpt from E10 week ending 22 March 2013

This week Dame Susan Devoy was named the new Race Relations Commissioner.  There have been four public responses from Māori leaders.  Dr Sharples, Minister of Māori Affairs, indicated he thought the appointment was ‘fantastic’.   Professor Margaret Mutu, from Auckland University, has indicated that Dame Susan will need to consider the
Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Māori Party Leadership Debates: excerpt from E10 week ending 22 March 2013

This week the debate over the future leadership of the Māori Party recommenced in public. As we advised in January, Te Ururoa Flavell is attempting to challenge for a co-leader appointment. The Māori Party Constitution specifies that the party will have two co-leaders, one female and one male.  This means
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Welfare

Welfare Reforms: omnibus excerpt from E10 week endng 22 March 2013

On Wednesday the Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill was read for a second time in parliament.  This Bill, if passed into law, will bring into effect a second wave of reform to the welfare system.   As 31% of working age Māori are in receipt of these
Rōpu Māori

Māori news stories for the week ending 22 March 2013

  • This week the second stage of the Waitangi Tribunal Te Paparahi o Te Raki Regional Inquiry commenced at Waitangi (refer to Pānui edition 9/2013 for details.)  Kaumātua, Kingi Taurua, commenced by proposing that the Crown should consider buying back private land to use to settle these claims. • The Federation