Covid-19 Education Environment Health Rōpu Māori Te Reo

E32 24 September 2021- Salient Māori News Items to 24 Mahuru (September) 2021

The Government has announced its appointments to the Māori Health Authority and Health New Zealand. (Health New Zealand is the entity that combines the 20 district health boards.)  The Māori Health Authority is tasked with working, “alongside Health New Zealand with a joint role in developing system plans, commissioning for
Health Social

E32 24 September 2021: New Mental Health Strategy Released: Kia Manawanui

This week our main review item is the Government’s new mental health strategy. The strategy, Kia Manawanui Aotearoa: Long-term Pathway to Mental Wellbeing, was released on Wednesday by Health Minister, Andrew Little. This strategy has been a long time coming, given this Government’s initial mental health inquiry was started in