Fisheries Health

E27 13 August 2021: Māori News

On Tuesday the second reading of the Māori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Amendment Bill was completed in Parliament. The purpose of this Bill is to improve the allocation and transfer process to better enable the allocation and transfer of aquaculture settlement assets to iwi. This week a research company has
Education Health

E27 13 August 2021: New Zealand Healthy School Lunch pilot | Ka Ora, Ka Ako Interim Evaluation

The Ministry of Education  released a report they commissioned on the pilot of a school lunch programme (which was targeted towards schools with high Māori enrolments). Turns out it’s not a miracle cure – there was no evidence it addressed matters like school attendance – but good evidence it tangibly
Education Employment Income

E27 13 August 2021: Education, Income And Earnings – With Updates For 2020

We reviewed work from the Ministry of Education on the relationship between education and income and earnings. Subscribers may recall that, following the release of new unemployment data last week we advised, “lower Māori employment levels, lower wages, and weaker conditions of employment (such as less hours of secure work) are

E27 13 August 2021: Te Ara Whakamana: Mana Enhancement Evaluation

The Ministry of Education  released a report they commissioned on the pilot of a school lunch programme (which was targeted towards schools with high Māori enrolments). Turns out it’s not a miracle cure – there was no evidence it addressed matters like school attendance – but good evidence it tangibly
Oranga Tamariki

E27 13 August 2021: Oranga Tamariki – Transition Support

We have also reviewed a survey report from Oranga Tamariki that looks at what rangatahi say they need when exiting the services of this Ministry, for example those leaving youth justice residences and/or transitioning to adult support services. (Circa six hundred 15–18-year-olds leaving the care of Oranga Tamariki each year).

E27 13 August 2021: Zero Suicide Aotearoa

Following on from the 2019 Suicide Prevention Strategy, ‘Every Life Matters’ (Pānui 33/2019 refers), a cross-member group of parliamentarians was established to look at how to strengthen national efforts to prevent suicide, by working collectively. That is, with representatives from all parties there was an opportunity to set aside traditional

E27 13 August 2021: Suicide Prevention

Last week Aotearoa New Zealand Olympic success stories typically led the mainstream news with a particular focus on wāhine toa; such as kayaker Lisa Carrington (Te Aitanga-a-Māhakiand Ngāti Porou), Sarah Hirini (Ngāti Kahungunu) who captained the Black Ferns Sevens, and cyclist, Ellesse Andrews (Ngāi Tahu). However on Monday the death, by