Education Health

E26 Salient Māori News Items to 06 Here-turi-kōkā (August) 2021

The Ministry of Health has released a short report on the funding it gave to Māori health providers from 2015 to 2019.  Amongst other items it shows in the year to 30 June 2020, $341 million was allocated to these providers, just less than 2% of health funds. maori_provider_funding_report_v3.pdf This

E26 06 August 2021: Household Labour Force Survey: Quarter to 30 June 2021

Statistics NZ released the latest household labour force survey results for the quarter to 30 June 2021 (i.e. the measures of employment and unemployment). Overall, the unemployment rate dropped to 4.0% and the underutilisation rate dropped to 10.5%.  (Unemployment is the traditional lead measure, but underutilisation is an increasingly important

E26 06 August 2021: Human Rights Housing Policy Guidelines

The Human Rights Commissioner, Paul Hunt, released ‘framework guidelines’ regarding housing, and announced his office would be undertaking an inquiry in this area. He also announced that: “for generations, they (Government) have promised to create conditions to enable everyone to live in a decent home, but this has not happened. 
Government Justice

E26 06 2021: Statement of Apology from the Prime Minister of New Zealand

The leading Māori policy item to note this week is the apology from the Government to Pasifika communities for immigration ‘dawn raids’ in the 1970s. We consider the statement of apology is worth reading in full (its only a few pages). Statement of Apology from the Prime Minister of New