Te Arawhiti

E25 30 July 2021: Concerns Raised in the Media about Te Arawhiti

Following on with matters concerning racism and unconscious bias, this week media outlets have also picked up a story around alleged racism (against Māori) at Te Arawhiti / the Office of Māori Crown Relations, which is housed within the Ministry of Justice. The entity has a higher than (government sector)

E25 Māori News Items to 30 Hōngongoi (July) 2021

Last Friday a judgement by Justice Gwyn (Wellington High Court) confirmed the rights of Ngāti Tūwharetoa to licence and charge for commercial recreational activities based on Taupō moana (lake Taupō). By way of background, the Ngāti Tūwharetoa ownership of the lakebed and ‘air space above it’ was part of the
Child Poverty Covid-19 Covid-19 Economic Impacts Health Social

E25 30 July 2021: The first year of Covid-19: Initial outcomes of our collective care for low-income children in Aotearoa

The Child Poverty Action Group has published a report. The report’s key contribution is an analysis of a measure of child poverty, which they consider is rising rapidly.  (The media headline arising from this work is ‘18,000 more children in poverty’).  However, we consider there are a few technical aspects
Te Puni Kōkiri

E25 30 July 2021: TPK 2020-2024 He Takunetanga Rautaki: Strategic Intentions

This week we have undertaken two document reviews. The first is of the Te Puni Kōkiri medium-term strategic intentions plan, leading out to 2024.  This is the third such plan in as many years, but given Minister, Chief Executive and Cabinet mandate changed during that period, it is somewhat excusable

E25 30 July 2021: Mātauranga Māori and Science

Whether mātauranga Māori has a place in academic research has been a topic of focus this week. It follows the publication last week in the New Zealand Listener (a legendary ‘scientific journal’ (sic)), of an article authored by a group of seven University of Auckland academics, which claimed mātauranga Māori