
E19 11 June 2021 – ‘Our Land 2021’ – Review

A third review we have undertaken relates to the Our Land 2021 report produced by the Ministry of the Environment and Statistics New Zealand. This is essentially a report back to parliament on land health matters, and covers issues such as usage changes, land and water issues, land and climate

E19 11 June 2021 – He Pou a Rangi / The Climate Change Commission Work

The Climate Change Commission released its first set of finalised advice to the Government on how to mitigate against climate change.[1] By way of background context, the Commission was established in late 2019 and is tasked with providing the Government with advice on how to achieve New Zealand’s international commitments

Appointments, Awards and Salient Māori News Items to 11 Pipiri 2021

Salient Māori News Items to 11 Pipiri 2021 National Party Member of Parliament, Paul Goldsmith, made a comment on television that he considered colonisation was, on balance good for Māori. The comment was not well received by most other politicians, with his own party leader, Judith Collins, not directly supporting

E18 04 June 2021 – Appointments

The Police have announced members of the independent panel to oversee research on policing in communities, specifically “whether, where and to what extent, bias exists at a system level in Police’s operating environment”.  The independent panel members include Sir Kim Workman, Lady Tureiti Moxon, Helen Leahy, Rahui Papa, Khylee Quince,
Social Welfare

E18 04 June 201 – Social Development – Research on Leaving the Benefit Released

The Ministry of Social Development published a report entitled ‘What Happened to People Who Left the Benefit System’.[1] The report looked at the outcomes for 111,000 people who stopped receiving a main benefit in the year to 30 June 2019. It finds Māori have similar benefit exit rates as others,