
Salient Māori News Items to 04 June 2021

Te Pāti Māori (the Māori Party) lodged a complaint with the Independent Police Conduct Authority about a perceived lack of support in addressing a threat towards Māori which was made online (now removed). The Party claimed that, aside from poor communication, the level of response from the Police was too

E18 04 June 2021 – Justice – Imprisonment Report and Police Research

In the justice sector we note two prison review reports have been released by the Office of the Ombudsman. These reports are derived from unannounced visits to Christchurch Men’s Prison and Whanganui Prison respectively in 2020.  Amongst the recommendations for Christchurch, the Office recommends, “The prison make greater efforts to
Housing Social

E18 04 June 2021 – Housing – Homeless Discussion Reports Released

Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga / the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development has released two reports on the operation of its ‘Housing First’ programme. The reports centre on services in Rotorua (iwi partnership model) and Christchurch respectively.  Both reports provide qualitative accounts of the effectiveness of the programmes; i.e. a
Health Social

E18 04 June 2021 – Health – Suicide and Service Access Report Released

The Ministry of Health published a report on suicide entitled Suicide Data Related To Mental Health Service Users (2016). This report, from the Suicide Prevention Office, provides data on the number of people who died of suicide in 2016 who had been mental health service users[1]. In regards to Māori
Oranga Tamariki Uncategorized

E18 04 June 2021 – Oranga Tamariki – Survey of Children In Care

Oranga Tamariki has released its first survey report from tamariki and rangatahi in their care, entitled ‘Te Mātātaki 2021’. Data from circa 1,500 tamariki and rangatahi is included, with two-thirds being Māori.   Page 35 summarises the main results, with some notable points being that tamariki and rangatahi indicated: strong rates
Social Uncategorized

E18 04 June 2021 – Māori and Iwi Population Data and Statistics

Statistics New Zealand has released population projections to 2043. The Department estimates that the Māori population (said to be 820,000 in 2018) will increase to circa 1 million by 2028; and to between 1,140,000 and 1,350,000 by 2043.[1]  As a proportion of the population Māori will increase from 17 percent to