Health Social

E12 23 April 2021 – Equity in Outcomes Following Major Trauma Among Hospitalised Patients

We have reviewed a well-researched report from the Health Quality and Safety Commission which finds there is not health care equity for Māori youth following major trauma, which results in poorer health outcomes, including higher rates of mortality for Māori youth. This is a technical report, so again a limited
Health Social

E12 23 April 2021 – Office of the Director of Mental Health and Addiction Services Annual Report 2018 and 2019

The Office of the Director of Mental Health and Addiction Services has released a combined report on mental health service provision for both 2018 and 2019. The overall focus is on compulsory treatments, and in that respect it is a solid report with clear data showing Māori are vastly over-represented
Health Social

E12 23 April 2021 – Rapua Te Ara Matua Equity Report

We reviewed a research report released by the Waikato District Health Board on the social determinants of health for Māori and Pasifika peoples. This is a good research report, outlining the type of issues that present throughout the lifespan from a public health perspective – and thus we recommend it
Health Social Whānau Ora

E12 23 April 2021 – Health Sector Reforms

The Minister of Health, Andrew Little, together with the Associate Minister of Health (Māori Health), Peeni Henare, announced the Government’s decisions regarding the health sector review. [By way of background a review of this sector was announced in 2018, which concluded with a final report of the independent panel being
Rōpu Māori

E12 Salient Māori News Items for week to 23 April 2021

  George Reedy has been appointed as the incoming Chief Executive Officer for Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou. The Controller and Auditor-General, John Ryan, has released his findings regarding the Government’s purchase of land at Te Puke Tāpapatanga a Hape (i.e. Ihumātao).  He was asked to investigate matters by both