
E6 5 March 2021: Salient Māori News

Last month the Ministry of Education released its annual report for the year ending 30 June 2020 on the Student Loan scheme.  Regarding Māori the report identified, in 2019 Māori were 22% (73,000) of all Tertiary education learners, and 17.6% of all active borrowers for the same period. Student Loan Scheme

E6 5 March 2021: Ngāti Maru signed a Deed of Settlement

Ngāti Maru and the Crown have signed a Deed of Settlement regarding the iwi’s historic Treaty of Waitangi claims. Ngāti Maru will receive financial and commercial redress valued at $30 million. Cultural redress includes the vesting of 16 sites of cultural significance, including Pūrangi and Tarata Domains. Treaty Negotiation Minister Andrew
Annual Reports Iwi Matters

E6 5 March 2021: Iwi Investment Report 2020

The final review we have untaken this week is a review of a review of iwi annual (financial reports). The consultancy firm, TDB advisory, annually prepares a report on the financial results of various iwi groups (nine iwi were selected this year).  They study return on assets deployed, and benchmark
Te Reo

E6 5 March 2021: Te Reo Māori Sector Reviews Annual reports

Over the last two weeks we have received good feedback on our editions focused on environmental and then social equity matters. Our challenge this week is to maintain interest levels as we venture into reviews of annual reports from Māori statutory entities. We have started with the Reo Māori domain