
E3 12 February 2021: How MBIE is supporting Māori Economic Prosperity

Title: How MBIE is supporting Māori Economic Prosperity Publisher & Date:  Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (released December 2020) Type of Document: Advise for Ministers (14 in total) Length, style: A3 one-pager[1] Recommended readership: Subscribers interested in Māori economic matters Content summary: This A3 provides key facts and statistics

E4 Salient Māori News Items to 19 February 2021

Last week the Minister of Conservation, Kiritapu Allan announced a new collaborative agreement between iwi groups in Northland (Te Roroa, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Wai, and Ngāti Kurī) and the Crown to counter against Kauri dieback. The project will receive $3.5 million for up to 30 jobs to address the spread
Conservation Environment

E4 19 February 2021: Briefings to Incoming Ministers (‘BIMs’)

Research Snippets: Briefings to Incoming Ministers (‘BIMs’) Ministry for the Environment This week we have had a look at the Ministry for the Environment’s briefing to the Incoming Minister which was released in mid-December (the Minister is still David Parker).  As expected, the brief commences by advises New Zealand is
Resource Management Act

E4 19 February 2021: RMA repeal announcement

Last week the Minister for the Environment, David Parker announced that the Resource Management Act would be repelled and replaced with three new Acts of legislation. We note the announcement, although light on details, appears to signal an acceptance of the expert advice from an independent panel that reported back
Climate Change Environment Environmental

E4 19 February 2021: Climate Change Commission Report

Overview On 31 January, the Climate Change Commission (‘the Commission’) released its first set of draft advice to the Government on what Aotearoa should do to mitigate against climate change. It is only a draft as the Commission is now publicly consulting on the proposed advice, with consultation closing in

E1 29 January 2021: Prisons Riots and Reviews

The other matter keeping Minister Davis busy over the summer break was what he called a “prison disorder event” – which is a euphemism for ‘a riot’ that occurred from 29 December to 3 January. Essentially, the high security wing of Waikeria Prison was set on fire and destroyed, and