
E3: 12 February 2021: Health Equity: Indigenous wellbeing

Title: Health Equity: Indigenous wellbeing Publisher & Date:  PWC: December 2020 Type of Document: Thought piece on indigenous wellbeing Length, style: 10 pages: part research, part marketing Recommended readership: Unclear, seems to be aimed at public servants. Content summary: In this short report PWC explores indigenous measures of wellbeing, drawing

E3 12 February 2021: Te Ōhanga Māori 2018

Title: Te Ōhanga Māori 2018 Publisher & Date:  BERL: January 2021 Type of Document: Research report on Māori economic activities Length, style: 75 pages Recommended readership: Unclear. Not enough methodological and evidential traits for researchers, yet some complexities for laypersons. Content summary: This is a third report on Māori economic
Te Arawhiti Te Puni Kōkiri Whānau Ora

E3 12 February 2021: Briefings to Incoming Ministers

Tēnā koutou. Prior to each General Election officials busily prepare ‘Briefings to Incoming Ministers’, known as ‘BIMs’.  The idea being that no matter which party wins the right to govern, and no matter who gets given what Ministerial portfolio, incoming Ministers can hit the ground running and get on with
Rōpu Māori

E3 Salient Māori News Items to 12 February 2021

The Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, Carmel Sepuloni, has announced a new $5.7 million contestable fund to support Māori with projects that safeguard their mātauranga and taonga on marae, from the ongoing threat of COVID-19. She states, “The Mātauranga Māori Marae Ora Fund offers support for a range of