
E30 11 September 2020 He Awa Ara Rau: A Journey of Many Paths (Te Tokona Te Raki / Māori Futures Collective)

This week we also reviewed a recent report published by Te Tokona Te Raki / Māori Futures Collective. This work distils some other research into a story for an average cohort of 100 Māori learners exiting secondary schooling and entering tertiary education and work.  The findings are that, within a

E30 11 September 2020: Research on Educational Aspirations and Pathways

This week we have reviewed three items which give consideration to educational and employment aspirations and pathways; one produced by the Ministry of Education, one published by Tokona Te Raki / Māori Futures Collective, and one produced by the Tertiary Education Commission. First, back in 2009, Ministry of Education commissioned
Health Te Reo

E30 11 September 2020 Census data

This week Pānui focuses largely on education, training and employment research, data, and policy papers that have recently been released. The first item we have considered is newly released (webpage) Māori demographic data from Statistics New Zealand, derived from the 2018 Census, and supporting supplementary data sets.[1]    While it is
Employment Income

E30 11 September 2020: Labour Market Statistics (Income): June 2020 Quarter

Title: Labour Market Statistics (Income): June 2020 Quarter Publisher & Date: Statistics New Zealand (Stats NZ): August 2020 Type of Document: Excel data sheets Length, style Data sheets, Statistical data Recommended readership: Subscribers within the education and employment sectors Content summary Key income statistics for the year ending 30 June

E30 11 September 2020 Māori Labour Market Report Quarter June 2020 (Unadjusted)

  Title: Māori Labour Market Report Quarter June 2020 (Unadjusted) Publisher & Date: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (‘MBIE’): September 2020 Type of Report: Government: data infographic Length, style 3-page infographic, Plain English Recommended readership: Subscribers in social support agencies, policy analysts Content summary This report brings together a