Child Poverty

E29 04 September 2020: UNICEF report released

UNICEF report released[1] Last, we note there was a report released this week by UNICEF comparing child wellbeing in ‘rich countries’.[2] It rated New Zealand as coming in at 35 from 38, prompting some media debate of child wellbeing here.  It also prompted the Prime Minister to put out a
Te Puni Kōkiri

E29 04 September 2020: Oranga Marae: Summative Evaluation

An Evaluation of Marae Support The last wellbeing item we have reviewed this week is an evaluation report on marae support. As with the housing cabinet paper this has Te Puni Kōkiri remit.  But it’s stronger work.  It shows that Māori administration of Māori funds (for marae support and restoration)

E29 04 September 2020: Health – Te Tiriti Framework and Action Plan

Health – Te Tiriti Framework and Action Plan We have reviewed two items published by the Ministry of Health. The first is the new Te Tiriti Framework.  Essentially this two-page response to concerns raised by the Waitangi Tribunal last year that, the Ministry’s previous work in this area (in our

E29 04 September 2020 Te Maihi o the Whare Māori – the Māori and Iwi Housing Innovation (MAIHI) Framework for Action

Māori Housing Framework Stood-Up   A Cabinet paper on Māori housing matters that was approved in May has now been released. This paper sets out the Government’s new ‘Māori and Iwi Housing Innovation’ (‘MAIHI’) framework – essentially replacing a 2014 Māori Housing Strategy released under the last Government. Long-term subscribers
Covid-19 Covid-19 Economic Impacts

E29 04 September 2020: He Kāhui Waiora: Living Standards Framework and He Ara Waiora COVID-19: Impacts on Wellbeing

The Treasury Wellbeing Indicators The next item reviewed is The Treasury’s initial assessment of COVID-19 impacts on wellbeing. The main finding seems to be that it is too early to tell what the impacts are; but that greater hardship for many New Zealanders seems imminent.  Storm clouds on the horizon.
Housing Income Social

E29 04 September 2020: Wellbeing Statistics June 2020 Quarter

The Social Survey The first item we have reviewed is a practical one – social survey results from Statistics New Zealand on life satisfaction. Through this survey we can see that four out of five Māori adults (similar to other people) are positive about life, even in this COVID-19 riddled

E29 04 september 2020: Appointments and Awards

  Tui Dewes has been appointed High Commissioner to the Cook Islands. Dr Rawiri Jansen, has been appointed to the COVID-19 Surveillance and Testing Strategy Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to oversee the implementation of the New Zealand COVID-19 Surveillance Plan and Testing Strategy. Jamie-Lee Tuuta and Dr

E30 4 September 2020: Drawing The Future – Exploring The Career Aspirations Of New Zealand Children

We also reviewed a Tertiary Education Commission (‘TEC’) research report which was a New Zealand repeat of a United Kingdom research idea, whereby children were asked to draw pictures of the job they would do in the future; and then the results were analysed.[1] Naturally enough children tended to select