Economic Employment Te Puni Kōkiri

E25 07 August 2020 – TPK Report Data & Analytics Summary: Economic Impact of COVID-19 July 2020

Last we have also reviewed work from Te Puni Kōkiri on Māori unemployment trends. This work also shows a predicted rise in Māori unemployment; up to 20%.  (However, rather oddly the prediction  is for June 2020, despite the report being released in early August.)   While clearly the prediction is a

E25 07 August 2020 – Household Labour Force Survey: Quarter to 30 June 2020

Māori Employment and Unemployment Our second area of consideration this week has been in relation to Māori employment and unemployment.  This is important as Māori socio-economic wellbeing is utterly dependant on wage and salary earnings – i.e. if a Māori economy is to be conceptualised then it is income from
Oranga Tamariki Treaty

E25 07 August 2020 – Oranga Tamariki – Report on Māori Outcomes

Oranga Tamariki – Report on Māori Outcomes Subscribers will recall that last week we advised the Waitangi Tribunal was sitting and hearing claims regarding the performance of Oranga Tamariki (WAI 2915). As the two prior quotes show – which were written 35 years apart – there remains deep concerns about