Rōpu Māori

E19 Salient Māori News Items to 12 June 2020

– Last week the Ministry of Education published a report entitled Reading Recovery Evaluation. As the title suggests, this report is based on an evaluation of the Reading Recovery programme (conducted in April to July 2019). The Reading Recovery programme is an optional service purchased by schools, it is intensive

E19 12 June 2020: Health and Independence Report 2018

The Ministry of Health has released its annual health and independence report, covering the 2018 year. In essence this is a large ‘state of the nation’s health’ stocktake. We found this to be an excellence report, as it provides more than just data it also contains a strong analytical discussion
Economic Land Te Puni Kōkiri

E19 12 June 2020: Māori Economic Advice Released

Te Puni Kōkiri has now released part two and part three of a series of reports which the agency commissioned on Māori land entities and COVID-19 responses (but we think they mean Māori authorities for tax purposes). Overall its good and important that Te Puni Kōkiri seeks thought pieces on
Media Te Reo

E19 12 June 2020: Te Ao Pāpāho Māori: Māori Media Sector Consultation Document Released

On Tuesday the Government released a consultation document on possible changes for the Māori media sector. This is an important item for subscribers working in this sector, but also for subscribers who enjoy Māori media services, such as their local iwi radio and/or Māori television. By way of background, since