Annual Reports Iwi Matters

E43 6 December 2019: Ngāti Raukawa Annual Report

Title: Raukawa 2018-2019 Annual Report Publisher & Date: Raukawa Settlement Trust (RST): November 2019 Type of Document: Annual Report (to 30 June 2019) Length, style: 108 pages, plain English. Recommended readership: Ngāti Raukawa subscribers. Content summary (financial):   Financial Performance Headlines 2019 results   Notes Revenue $17.5 million Up $6.5

E43 6 December 2019: Ngāi Tūhoe Annual Report (to 31 March 2019)

Title: He Korona Whakataena 2018-2019 Publisher & Date: Ngāi Tūhoe: November 2019 Type of Document: Annual Report (to 31 March 2019) Length, style: 63 pages, (online version) plain English. Recommended readership: Ngāi Tūhoe subscribers. Content summary (financial):   Financial Performance Headlines 2019 results   Notes Revenue and Income Estimate* $32.5

E43 Salient Māori News week ending 6 December 2019

Shane Heremaia has been appointed Chief Executive of Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board. Mr Heremaia will commence a three-year term in January 2020. Dr Wayne Ngata has been appointed to the Tertiary Education Commission Board. Dr Nina Scott, Shelly Campbell, and Professor David Tipene-Leach have been appointed to the Cancer Control Agency

E43 6 December 2019 Ngāpuhi – Settlement Update

On Wednesday the Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations, Andrew Little, together with the Minister for Māori Development, Nanaia Mahuta, released a joint statement on progressing the Ngāpuhi Treaty settlement. At its core the Ministers are calling for proposals from takiwā (regional area) groupings about how their specific cultural claims