
Salient Maori News E37 25 October 2019

    Mere Mangu has publicly advised that she considers she is now the lawful Chairperson of Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi O Ngāpuhi, following the resignation of Mr Sonny Tau. (Ms Mangu had been deputy and considers the rūnanga’s constitution stipulates the Deputy becomes Chair, if the Chair resigns.)  She has indicated she expects

E37 25 October 2019 Te Ture Haeata ki Parihaka / The Parihaka Reconciliation Bill

On Thursday the Te Pire Haeata ki Parihaka / The Parihaka Reconciliation Bill passed its third reading in Parliament and will now be passed into law upon receiving Royal Assent. This incoming law follows the December 2018 Crown apology for historic crimes and injustices committed at Parihaka, such as the

E37 25 October 2019 Justice Sector Reports

Aside from ensuring Māori involved in delivering services for Oranga Tamariki are appropriately supported and their concerns are not minimised or disregarded, services need to support and improve the wellbeing of children in the care of Oranga Tamariki. Subscribers may recall last week we noted a report from the Children’s
Oranga Tamariki

E37 25 October 2019 Oranga Tamariki Reports

This week we have reviewed two items from Oranga Tamariki. The first is excellent research – a well-constructed and clearly presented survey of adult attitudes towards vulnerable children.  We note its results affirm that, overall, Māori and non-Māori see matters concerning tamariki at risk a little differently.  Māori respondents placed