Rōpu Māori

E34 Salient Māori News Items to 27 September 2019

Judge Heemi Taumaunu (Ngāti Pōrou, Ngāi Tahu) has been appointed Chief District Court Judge. Verity Webber (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Māmoe) and Kauahi Ngapora (Waikato Tainui, Ngāi Tahu) have been appointed independent members of the International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy Advisory Group. Yesterday Te Tumu Paeroa and Te Puni Kōkiri

E34 27 September 2019 Family Violence Report

In the social sector we have reviewed two documents to close out the quarter.  The first is an evaluation of a Te Puni Kōkiri sponsored initiative to reduce family violence.  We found this evaluation did not say much at all, and is a poor piece of work because of that. 
Mining Oil Exploration

E34 27 September 2019 Crown Minerals Act 1991 Review, and Draft Minerals and Petroleum Resource Strategy.

Another area where Government has decided it knows best and must administer everything relates to minerals and oils (petroleum).  This week we have reviewed the draft Petroleum Resource Strategy and the associated, but separate, terms of reference for the next stage of reviewing the Crown Minerals Act.  The draft strategy
Annual Reports Te Tumu Paeroa

E34 27 September 2019 Te Tumu Paeroa Annual Report

Legislative Settings – Te Tumu Paeroa (Māori Trustee) The first item we reviewed this week is the Te Tumu Paeroa Annual Report (to 31 March).  From a financial perspective it is a fairly standard report – which shows fairly good results: equity grew by over $4 million; and they have