Gender Income

E29 23 August 2019 Median Income Statistics Released

On Thursday Statistics New Zealand released labour market statistics for the quarter ending 30 June 2019. Median weekly income from wages and salary has increased to $1,012 per week, up $12 per week from June 2018.  For Māori, median wage increased by $36 per week, rising to $928 per week. 

E29 23 August 2019: Health Select Committee submissions for the Smoke-free Environments (Prohibiting Smoking in Motor Vehicles Carrying Children) Amendment Bill.

This week the Health Select Committee heard submissions for the Smoke-free Environments (Prohibiting Smoking in Motor Vehicles Carrying Children) Amendment Bill. This Bill seeks to amend the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 to prohibit smoking in motor vehicles carrying children and young people. If enacted into law the Police will have

E29 23 August 2019 Te Pire kia Unuhia te Hara kai Runga i a Rua Kēnana / Rua Kēnana Pardon Bill

On Thursday the Te Pire kia Unuhia te Hara kai Runga i a Rua Kēnana / Rua Kēnana Pardon Bill, was introduced in Parliament. This Bill recognises and addresses the crimes against the Tūhoe prophet, Rua Kēnana and his community of Maungapōhatu. In 1916 Rua was arrested and charged with
Te Reo

E29 Salient Māori News week ending 23 August 2019

This week Shaun Keenan – former CEO of Ngāti Te Whiti Whenua Topu Trust was sentenced to three years and 8 months imprisonment in the New Plymouth District Court for 46 charges related to the theft of circa $480,000 from the Trust. This theft has impeded a marae-hub development project the
Corrections Social

E29 23 August 2019: Māori Focused Strategy for the Department of Corrections Released

This week the Minister for Corrections, Kelvin Davis, released a new strategy – Hōkai Rangi – focused on reducing the number of Māori who are imprisoned. Minister Davis states, “our corrections system has not worked for the majority of Māori.  We’ve all seen the statistics and they are so enduring