
E28 16 August 2019 The Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) Advisory Note

United Nations Review and Guidance This week the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights at the United Nations released their report on the rights of indigenous peoples in New Zealand. This is essentially a report that offers guidance and advice on how to implement that United Nations Declaration

E28 16 August 2019 Social Housing Register and Social Housing Transfer Register: June 2019

This week we also reviewed the social housing register data for the quarter to 30 June (just released). It shows over 5,600 tangata Māori and their whānau are in need of a house, and qualify for assistance – which is 46% of those registered. (This excludes another 1,000 Māori who
Employment Social

E28 16 August 2019 Govt Employment Strategy and Youth Employment Action Plan

We have reviewed the new employment strategy and first action plan, both of which read well. Essentially, the goal is to promote opportunities for all New Zealanders to fulfil their employment potential with better education, better utilisation of skills, and higher productivity and wages.  As with many Government strategies, the
Settlements Treaty

E28 16 August 2019 Moriori initial Deed of Settlement

On Tuesday Moriori leaders initialed a Deed of Settlement with the Crown, as a step towards settling historic grievances. The settlement includes financial redress of circa $18 million and the transfer of sites of significance back to Moriori.
Conservation Employment

E28 Salient Māori News for the week ending 16 August 2019

Last week we reviewed Statistics New Zealand unemployment data, and again noted critical gaps in matters relevant to Māori from this Department. (For example the Department failed to produce Māori youth unemployment data, which is actually what is needed for the Government’s new Strategy and Action Plan, see items above.)