Economic Horticulture

E25 26 July 2019: Plant Variety Rights Act 1987 review: Options Paper

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has published a consultation paper  on managing plant variety rights. Usefully the proposal is to now consider Treaty of Waitangi implementations, along with practical steps in legislation, to ensure Māori have a say on plant matters relevant to Māori (consultation closes 9 September); Title: Plant
Te Reo

E25 26 July 2019: Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Māori: Statement of Performance Expectation 2019-2020 He Ara Whāia, He Ara Hou

Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Māori / The Māori Language Commission’s annual plan – essentially more of the same service, and working in partnership with Te Mātāwai on key items. Title: Statement of Performance Expectation 2019-2020 He Ara Whāia, He Ara Hou Publisher & Date: Te Taura Whiri I
Employment Social Welfare

E25 26 July 2019 Māori in the Labour Market (Year to 31 March 2019)

The factsheet on Māori in the labour market from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. This is a useful summary of annual trends (more Māori are working and the unemployment rate is down to 8.7%), but again more specific data is now needed to take the policy work programme
Social Welfare

E25 26 July 2019 Benefit Factsheets: Quarter to 30 June 2019

The latest benefit factsheets from the Ministry of Social Development (quarter to end June 2019).  The findings continue to highlight high reliance on welfare for around one quarter of Māori.  In our view it is now time for this Ministry to improve the analysis of this data, with more information

E25 26 July 2019: New Zealand General Social Survey

Biennial New Zealand Social Survey, undertaken by Statistics New Zealand.   This is interesting and new data, but again this department lets itself down with poor presentation and reporting.  (More specifically no reporting, just a few odd media releases, as they apparently expect people to read the excel sheets and to
Settlements Treaty

E25 26 July 2019 Ngāti Rangi Settlement

On Thursday the third and final reading of the Ngāti Rangi Claims Settlement Bill was successfully completed in Parliament – meaning that settlement will now pass into law upon receiving Royal Assent. The settlement includes $17 million in financial redress, significant areas of the Karioi Forest, and the potential to
Land Protests Treaty

E25 26 July 2019 Historic Land Grievances

This week mainstream and Māori media have been reporting on the land occupation / protest at Ihumātao (see below for further background about this). Essentially as the land development work seeks to progress, so has direct action against it, with hundreds of people going on-site this week to show their