Climate Change Environmental Government Health Iwi Representation Land Local Government Te Puni Kōkiri Te Reo

E22 28 June 2019 Appendix 4 – Parliamentary and Related Matters

  Local Government Bill (Pānui 12/2019) Ngāi Tahu and the Canterbury Regional Council Earlier this month, Parliament voted down, at its first reading, a bill which proposed making permanent two seats for Ngāi Tahu representatives on the Canterbury Regional Council (known as Environment Canterbury / ECan).  The bill had been
Protests Settlements Treaty Tribunal reports

E22 28 June 2019 Appendix 3 – Treaty of Waitangi Matters

  Land Protest Pānui 12/2019 Ihumātao Lands In Tamaki the matter attracting attention this month is the proposed development of Ihumātao lands.  The latest action is that a petition signed by over 20,000 people was delivered to Auckland mayor, Phil Goff, last week, which seeks council protection of the land. 
Agriculture Budget Climate Change Economic Environmental Forestry Land Oil Exploration Taxation Tourism

E22 28 June 2019 Appendix 2 – Economic Policy Items

  Budget 2019 Pānui 18/2019   The Government released its 2019/2020 Budget – i.e. the formal spending plan for 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020, plus its indicative spending planning for the following three years (to 30 June 2023).  We advise there are a lot of initiatives within this
Child Poverty Education Employment Health Housing Income Justice Oranga Tamariki Welfare

E22 Appendix 1 – Social Policy Items

  Child Poverty Pānui 17/2019 Targets to Reduce Child Poverty Announced The Prime Minister, Jacinda Arden, confirmed the Government’s first sets of targets to reduce child poverty (as set out in the footnote below[1]).  This policy area is of major significance to Māori, as our research indicates up to 33%
Economic Social Treaty

E22 Quarterly Review for the Period 1 April to 28 June 2019

Purpose This quarterly review provides a summary of significant Māori focused social, economic and Treaty policy developments for the period 1 April to 28 June 2019. Within the quarter we reviewed forty-two Māori social sector matters, seven Māori economic sector matters, ten Treaty-related matters, and ten general Parliamentary items.  We