
Salient Māori News Items for the Week to 8 February 2019 – Edition 3

On Monday former Māori Party co-leader, Marama Fox, was convicted and fined for driving while over the legal blood alcohol level. The incident occurred in November 2018. Ms Fox received a fine and has been disqualified from diving for six months. Otangarei Papakāinga has secured circa $1.13 million of funding
Economic Government Land

Research Supplement – Māori Land Use Briefing – E3 08 February 2019

In this week’s Government media release about new investment into Māori land (see lead article above) there is the statement, “Research released in 2013 found about 80 per cent of Māori freehold land was underutilised or unproductive.  Modelling of the impact of bringing this land into primary sector production and
Government Social Te Reo

Māori Language Research Published – E3 08 February 2019

Title: Perceptions of the Health of the Māori Language Publisher & Date: Te Puni Kōkiri (TPK): December 2018. Type of Report: Government: Literature Review. Length, style: Circa 100 pages, (40 page summary available), Te Reo and English versions published. Recommended readership: Limited interest – subscribers involved in the revitalisation of
Health Social Welfare

Child Poverty Research Released – E3 08 February 2019

Title: Child Poverty Monitor: 2018 Technical Report Publisher & Date: University of Otago: December 2018 Type of Report: Academic: Collation of Quantitative Data Length, style 77 pages, statistical analyses, complex English Recommended readership: Policy analysts, social sector researchers Background context: In 2013 former Children’s Commissioner, Russell Wills, advised Government that
Employment Government Social Welfare

Household Labour Force Survey – Data Released – E3 08 February 2019

On Thursday Statistics New Zealand released the Household Labour Force Survey results for the quarter to the end of December 2018. The survey shows that national unemployment has increased slightly to 4.3%, (from 4%).  For Māori, the unemployment rate experienced a decrease dropping to 8.2%, (from 8.5%).   This is the
Economic Government Land

Marae Connectivity Funding Announced – E3 08 February 2019

The third Māori-focused funding announcement from the PGF relates to establishing ‘Regional Digital Hubs’ and ensuring marae can be connected to broadband.  Circa $21 million is set aside for this initiative (it is not clear what proportion is targeted towards marae).   The responsible Minister, Shane Jones, announced the first three
Economic Education Employment Government

He Poutama Rangatahi – Youth Engagement Funding Announced – E3 08 February 2019

On Monday further funding of $13.2 million from the PGF was announced by joint Ministers for He Poutama Rangatahi (HPR). [1]   This funding will come out of the broader skills and employment initiative (Te Ara Mahi), but will focus on re-engaging youth who are out of education, training or employment.
Economic Government Land

$100 million set aside for Māori Land Development – E3 08 February 2019

Last Sunday the Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, co-jointly with the Regional Economic Development Minister, Shane Jones, announced that $100 million from the PGF will be set aside for Māori land development initiatives.  The Prime Minister is attributed as saying: “access to capital remains a challenge for Māori landowners as the

Salient Māori News Items for the Week to 1 February 2019

On Wednesday Michelle Hippolite (Waikato, Rongowhakaata, Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki) announced her resignation as Chief Executive of Te Puni Kōkiri. Ms Hippolite will officially step down in July. John Tamihere (Ngāti Porou, Whakatohea, Tainui) has announced he will stand as a candidate for the 2019 Auckland mayoralty elections. Nominations open July 19

General Matters – E2 01 February 2019

Appointments Edward Ellison (Ngāi Tahu) has been appointed Chairperson of the New Zealand Conservation Authority.

Ngāti Kahungunu Carbon Credit Loan – E2 01 February 2019

One media item of note this week concerns the proposed loaning of carbon credits from the Hawkes Bay Regional Council to Ngāti Kahungunu (via a subsidiary of the iwi called ‘Kahutia General Partner Ltd’).  The proposal – which was agreed on 19 December subject to a final business plan from

National Party – Speech to the Nation – E2 01 February 2019

On Wednesday the Leader of the Opposition, Simon Bridges, gave his ‘speech to the nation’ (essentially his party’s policy ideas for the year).  There was a predictable attack on the Government’s work (or lack of) in the housing sector, but the main focus was on taxation: namely adjusting thresholds so

Symposium of Iwi Asset Managers – E2 01 February 2019

This week, asset managers of iwi investment and financial entities held a symposium at Waitangi, to discuss economic growth activities and collaboration.  This meeting preceded the iwi Chairs Forum which is also being held this week.  We consider this a particularly positive evolution to iwi development initiatives, allowing for more
Education Social

Documents Reviewed – E2 01 February 2019

Title: Disparities in educational outcomes for New Zealand students: the problem with the dominant focus on ethnicity Publisher & Date: The University of Auckland (November 2018) Type of Report: Academic Paper Length, style 4 pages, succinct academic commentary Recommended readership: Subscribers in the education sector (school sector), and policy analysts.
Health Social

Documents Reviewed – E2 01 February 2019

Title: Te Pae Tata: Māori strategy and action plan consultation Publisher & Date: Ministry of Social Development (MSD): January 2019 Type of Document: Government: Consultation Document. Consultation is open until 20 February. Length, style 2 pages, strategic framework, plain English. Recommended readership: Subscribers working in the social sector.   Iwi entities