
E43 7 December 2018: Māori Affairs Select Committee Review of Te Puni Kōkiri Annual Report

On Wednesday Te Puni Kōkiri officials (TPK) appeared before the Māori Affairs Select Committee for the agency’s annual financial review. They were asked by Nuk Koraro (National) to explain why there was an underspend of $5.2 million for the year to 30 June 2018.  This was a matter we had
Settlements Treaty

E43 7 December 2018: Parihaka Reconciliation

On Thursday the Parihaka Papakāinga Trust and the Crown signed a reconciliation agreement. The reconciliation derives from Te Pire Haeata ki Parihaka / The Parihaka Reconciliation Bill, which is currently at the Select Committee hearing stage in Parliament. The reconciliation package includes $9 million for the community to purchase land, undertake
Health Social

E43/ 7 December 2018: Mental Health and Addiction Report Released

On Tuesday the Minister for Health, Dr David Clark, released ‘He Ara Oranga’. This is the report of the Government’s Inquiry into mental health and addiction, undertaken by an independent panel.  This service area is of high importance to Māori, as poor mental health and substance addictions impact heavily within
Health Social

E43/ 7 December 2018. Health and Independence Report 2017

Last quarter the Ministry of Health released its Health and Independence Report 2017. This is an annual overview of the state of health for New Zealanders, bringing together statistical information to provide an overview picture of health trends. In the report’s foreword the Director-General of Health, Ashley Bloomfield, expressed that
Economic Rōpu Māori Treaty

E43 7 December 2018: Maori News Items

Last Saturday the Otamataha Trust received an apology from the New Zealand Church Missionary Society for historical grievances against Ngāti Tapu and Ngai Tamarāwaho. By way of background, in 2014 The New Zealand Mission Trust Board (Otamataha) Empowering Act was passed. This Act transferred land in Tauranga and some other