Settlements Treaty

E42/ 30 November 2018: Agreement In Principle Signed

Last Friday Te Korowai o Wainuiārua and the Crown signed an agreement in principle to settle historic Treaty of Waitangi grievances.   Te Korowai o Wainuiārua is the collective grouping for descendants of Uenuku, Tamakana and Tamahaki in the Mount Ruapehu and mid to higher reaches of the Whanganui River.   The
Health Social

E42/ 30 November 2018 Smoking Reduction Programme Evaluation Released

The Ministry of Health released an evaluation report it had commissioned on holistic programmes designed to reduce smoking amongst Māori women.  The report is entitled, ‘Addressing the Challenges of Young Māori Women Who Smoke: A developmental evaluation of the phase two demonstration project. Evaluation report.’ By way of further background,
Social Te Reo Treaty

Salient Māori News Items for the Week ending 30 November 2018

Ruakere Hond (Taranaki, Te Ātiawa), Prue Kapua (Te Arawa) and Kim Ngarimu (Ngāti Porou) have been appointed as members of the Waitangi Tribunal. Te Paea Paringatai (Waikato and Ngāti Porou) has been appointed a member of the Library and Information Advisory Commission. The Ngā Tohu Reo Māori 2018 (National Māori
Te Reo

E42/ 30 November 2018: Te Taura Whiri – Annual Report Released

This week the Annual Report (to 30 June 2018) for Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori / the Māori Language Commission (TTW) was tabled in Parliament.  Our short assessment is as follows. In the year to 30 June 2018 TTW had an operating deficit of $4.4 million which is
Government Treaty

E42 30 November 2018: Criticism of Koha Use

A media outlet published an article on the cost of thirty-three hui held this year to discuss priorities for the new Office of Māori /Crown Relations (Te Arawhiti), within the Ministry of Justice.  (Note originally twenty-five hui were scheduled but the number was increased to accommodate more communities.)  The article