Economic Taxation

Taxation: Tax Working Group’s interim report E33/ 28 September 2018

Last Thursday the Tax Working Group’s interim report was released.[1] This report looks at every type of tax, and also current tax issues – for example should GST be removed on food and vegetables to assist lower income families (no, improve welfare distribution instead); should there be a ‘sugar tax’
Economic Social

Māori Living Standards Framework Released: E33/ 28 September 2018

Along with the release of the Tax Working Groups’ interim report, the group’s secretariat from within The Treasury has also released a discussion paper exploring Māori views of well-being. This paper is entitled, “He Ara Waiora / A Pathway Towards Wellbeing; Exploring Te Ao Māori Perspectives on the Living Standards
Economic Income Social

Māori Income Analysis Released: E33/ 28 September 2018

Each quarter in Pānui we have provided analysis of Government data on Māori employment and unemployment; based on official data releases. Through these analyses we have commented numerously on the lack of consideration of differences presenting between Māori and others in both employment and income.  That is we have questioned
Education Employment Social

School Leaver Destinations Report Released: E33 28 September 2018

The Ministry of Education has released a short report on school leaver destinations, focused on entry into further education, work place training or employment. The report identifies that around 60,000 student leave school annually (2016 data), and 62% enrolled in some form of tertiary learning before the end of the
Education Employment Income Social

The Impact of Low-Tertiary Study – E33: 28 September 2018

This week The Treasury also released a report of employment and earning outcomes for student leavers who undertook lower level tertiary study. Specifically, they analysed outcomes for young people aged 15 to 21 years who left school without NCEA level 2 or higher – i.e. those with minimal or no

Public Housing Exemption Criteria for Periodic Tenancy Reviews Widened – E33 28 September 2018

On Wednesday the Minister of Housing, Phil Twyford, announced the exemption criteria for periodic tenancy reviews of public housing tenants would be widened. Tenancy reviews are periodically held every three years and they determine whether a person or family still require public housing and whether the public house they are
Fisheries Government Oil Exploration Rōpu Māori

E33 Salient Māori News Items to 28 September 2018

On Monday the Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Amendment Bill was introduced in Parliament. This bill amends the Crown Minerals Act 1991 to give effect to the Government’s announcement made in April that the offshore block offers for oil and gas exploration permits will end, effective immediately. The block offer was an