Rōpu Māori

Salient Māori News Items to 7 September 2018: E30

Katrina Bryant and Kiri Parata have respectively been awarded health research grants (from the Health Research Council).  Ms Bryant has been granted $181,000 to develop a ‘Falls prevention exercise programme for Māori’. Ms Parata has been granted $199,000 for her project, ‘Whāia te Manaaki: manaakitanga and hauora for Te Atiawa

Electoral (Entrenchment of Māori Seats) Amendment Bill -First Reading Completed: E30 7 September 2018

On Wednesday the Electoral (Entrenchment of Māori Seats) Amendment Bill was read a first time and referred to the Māori Affairs Committee. The purpose of the bill is to amend the Electoral Act 1993 so it will embed the provisions of the Act relating to Māori electorates.  By way of

Review of the State Services Announced: E30 7 September 2018

On Tuesday the Minister for State Services, Chris Hipkins announced that consultation was open on a major review of the public sector.  The review is focused on ensuring public sector agencies can work better together, and be better orientated around the needs of citizens.  The three objectives are (i) increasing
Settlements Treaty

Iwi and Hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa Claims Settlement Bill – Third Reading Completed: E30 7 September 2018

On Thursday the third reading for the Iwi and Hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa Claims Settlement Bill was completed in Parliament and awaits Royal Assent. The total value of the financial and commercial settlement package is $100 million.
Education Social Treaty

Kura Hourua Waitangi Tribunal Claim: E30 7 September 2018

The Waitangi Tribunal claim concerning the Government decision to end funding agreements with Kura Hourua (partnership/charter schools) has now been uploaded onto the Tribunal website.  The claim, WAI 2770, was lodged by Sir Toby Curtis and Dame Iritana Tawhiwhirangi, and later Dame Tariana Turia also indicated her support. We have
Climate Change Economic Environment Environmental

Climate Change Report Released: E30 7 September 2018

On Tuesday the Productivity Commission released its final report on climate change.  In general terms, the Commission recommends a switch away from burning fossil fuels (i.e. more electric cars etc.), greater afforestation, and structural changes in the agricultural sector (for example more cropping, less dairying), along with Government incentives to
Economic Rōpu Māori Social

Budget Working Papers Released: E30 7 September 2018

Last Thursday The Treasury released the Budget working papers.  We have reviewed papers relating to Vote: Māori Development.  These are of interest given the drop in funding for Māori Development, and then the apparent denial of this in Parliament by responsible Ministers, Nanaia Mahuta and Willie Jackson (Pānui 16/2018 and
Economic Land

Te Tumu Paeroa – Annual Report: E30 7 September 2018

On Tuesday the Annual Report for Te Tumu Paeroa / the Māori Trustee was tabled in Parliament.  (This is to the year end 31 March 2018). [By way of background, the Māori Trustee is appointed by the Minister for Māori Development to administer Māori lands on behalf of Māori land