Government Social

Nanaia Mahuta speech on Māori within the Government’s new Living Standards Framework – E29 31 August 2018

Nanaia Mahuta has released a strange speech on Māori within the Government’s new Living Standards Framework. (We reviewed this framework in Pānui 6/2018 and 21/2018).  The speech reads to us as saying this is a new and important way for Government to work, and it’s inclusive of Māori; whilst confirming
Oranga Tamariki Social

Oranga Tamariki new monitoring unit announced – E29 31 August 2018

Tracey Martin, the Minister for Children, has announced the establishment of a new monitoring unit within Oranga Tamariki. The unit will monitor and review, on a quarterly basis, how many children in care have been harmed, the actions taken to safe guard the affected children, and the actions taken against

New Dental Training Facility to be built in Manukau – E29 31 August 2018

On Tuesday Counties Manukau District Health Board announced it has entered a partnership with Otago University to build a dental training facility in Manukau. Fifth-year and postgraduate dental students will delivery supervised low cost dental services to the public.  The facility is expected to open in 2020.  The Minister for Health,

Provisional annual suicide figures for the year to 30 June 2018 – E29 31 August 2018

Last week, the Ministry of Justice released provisional annual suicide figures, for the year to 30 June 2018.  Within the year there were 668 suicides.  This included 142 Māori suicides, two-thirds being males. The Māori suicide rate was 23 per 100,000 people.  This is much higher than other ethnic groups,

Housing Matters – E29 31 August 2018

On Monday the Minister for Housing, Phil Twyford, announced consultation centred on reforming the Residential Tenancies Act, in order to improve living conditions for people who rent their accommodation. This is an important area for Māori as most Māori (unlike most non-Māori) live in rented accommodation. Statistics NZ data from
Education Rōpu Māori Social

Maori news for the week ending 31 August 2018

Leith Comer (Ngāti Rangitihi, Ngai Tahu, Ngāti Pahuwera, Te Arawa) and Fiona Cassidy (Ngāti Kuri, Te Aupouri, Te Rarawa) have been appointed to the Veterans Advisory Board. Mr Comer will chair the board. Marama Fox, a former Member of Parliament for the Māori Party, had her consultancy company liquidated this
Rōpu Māori

Parliamentary Matters E29 31 August 2018

Yesterday Meka Whaitiri, a Minister outside of Cabinet, was stood down from her ministerial duties while an investigation is carried out into a staffing matter. There are media reports of an altercation occurring, allegedly leading to a person being pushed out a door.  The investigation is being undertaken by Ministerial

Te Waihora co-governance partnership – E29 31 August 2018

The Department of Conservation has now joined a co-governance partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu for the care of Te Waihora / Lake Ellesmere. (Other existing co-governors are Environment Canterbury, Selwyn District Council and the Christchurch City Council.)  The Department administers parcels of land around the lake, and has
Economic Health

Hikurangi Cannabis Ltd – E29 31 August 2018

Hikurangi Cannabis Ltd has been issued a license by the Ministry of Health to grow specific strains of cannabis plants for medicinal purposes. This is a Ruatoria-based company which has community and corporate shareholdings and investment; meaning if this business is successful then a proportion of profits will ultimately be
Economic Environmental Mining

Appeal Against Seabed Mining Upheld – E29 31 August 2018

On Tuesday Justice Churchman of the Wellington High Court upheld an appeal against a previous Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decision to grant an off-shore iron ore mining consent off the South Taranaki coast. The successful appellants included Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Ruanui, Te Ohu Kai Moana, Te Kaahui o Rauru,