Education Employment Social Welfare

Quarterly Labour Market Scorecard – June 2018 E27 17 August 2018

On Thursday the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment released their Labour Market Scorecard for the quarter ending 30 June 2018. This is a one-page summary on labour market indicators, none of which is ‘fresh’ data.  For Māori, key statistics that standout in the report are: 74% of Māori 18-year-old school
Rōpu Māori

E27 Salient Māori News Items to 17 August 2018

From today to next Tuesday Koroneihana celebrations will commence at Tūrangawaewae Marae, to celebrate the 160th anniversary of the Kīngitanga movement, and the12th anniversary of the coronation of Kīngi Tūheitia. However, unlike past years, media are banned from the event.  This is said to be in relation to the article
Rōpu Māori

Kīngitanga SFO Investigation and Related Matters – E27 17 August 2018

  This week allegations made against Te Ururangi Trust have been made public in the media.  This trust administers the business affairs of Kīngi Tūheitia (i.e. the Office of the King).   The claims related to alleged poor financial management, and have been made by Tukoroirangi Morgan.  Mr Morgan is a

Crown/Māori Relations Portfolio Brief – E27 17 August 2018

On Tuesday the Māori Affairs Select Committee released a very short report on the Crown/Māori Relations portfolio.   This report outlines, ‘key messages received from nationwide hui’ on the establishment of this new portfolio, within the Ministry of Justice.  The Committee notes consultation on the establishment of the portfolio resulted in
Employment Income Social

Median Income Statistics Released E27 17 August 2018

On Wednesday Statistics New Zealand released labour market statistics for the quarter ending 30 June 2018.  Median weekly income from wages and salary has now increased to $997 per week, – up $38 per week from June 2017.  However Māori median wages increased by a lesser amount, $20 per week,
Agriculture Climate Change Economic Environmental Forestry

Emission Trading Scheme – Consultation E27 17 August 2018

On Monday the Government released two consultation documents relating to the Emission Trading Scheme (ETS).  One is centred on forestry matters, and the other EFT design more broadly.  This topic is an important area for the Māori economy, given Māori have ownership interests in circa one-third of all plantation forest