Rōpu Māori

Salient Māori News Items for the Week to 22 June E21/2018

Tini Clark (Ngāti Tīpa, Ngāti Tahinga, Ngāti Āmaru) has been appointed a District Court Judge with a jury warrant to be based in Manukau. Ms Clark will be sworn in as a Judge on 10 August 2018. Last Friday the Minister of Māori Development, Nanaia Mahuta, announced that an investigation

Abortion Statistics for the year ending December 2017: 22 June E21/2018

Statistics New Zealand has released Abortion Statistics for the year ending December 2017. Overall, 23.4% of abortions (around 3,100) were performed on Māori women. From population tables we calculate the Māori abortion rate is 19.4 per 1,000 Māori women (aged 15 to 44 years). The general rate was 13.7 abortions per 1,000
Settlements Treaty

Ngāti Rangi Claims Settlement Bill Introduced into Parliament: 22 June E21/2018

On Thursday the Ngāti Rangi Claims Settlement Bill was introduced into Parliament. The settlement will include $17 million in financial redress, the $8 million Karioi Forest, and the potential to build 50 houses at Waiouru.
Settlements Treaty

Heretaunga Tamatea Claims Settlement Bill Third Reading Completed: 22 June E21/2018

Yesterday the Heretaunga Tamatea Claims Settlement Bill completed its third reading in Parliament. The Bill will become legislation following Royal Assent.  Heretaunga Tamatea and its hapū are one of six large natural groupings which negotiated the settlement of the historical Treaty of Waitangi claims of Ngāti Kahungunu. This group’s area of

Hawkes Bay Seafood Convictions: 22 June E21/2018

On Thursday Wellington District Court Judge, Bill Hamilton, lodged fishing offence convictions against the directors of Hawkes Bay Seafood, the company itself, plus a related company and key staff. The directors were Antonino “Nino” Giovanni D’Esposito, Giancarlo “Joe” Harold D’Esposito and manager Marcus Giuseppe D’Esposito and skipper John Butler.  In
Economic Environmental Freshwater Policy

Freshwater Matters: 22 June E21/2018

On Tuesday the Chief Executive of Ngāti Awa, Leonie Simpson, released a media statement seeking a moratorium on new water consents within their region. This follows a decision last week by Ministers Eugenie Sage and David Clark to grant a water bottling application made under the Overseas Investment Act; which
Economic Social

The Treasury – Wellbeing Dashboard Proposal Released 22 June edition 21/2018

This month The Treasury has released a consultant’s report on potential wellbeing indicators for New Zealand, and is now seeking feedback on which measures to use, and how, within a wellbeing ‘dashboard’.  The dashboard (i.e. main indicators) will then be applied by officials to guide policy and fiscal advice.  This
Social Whānau Ora

Whanau Ora Evaluation Report Released: 22 June E21/2018

This week Te Puni Kōkiri (TPK) released their Whānau Ora Annual Summary Report -1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017.  The release is thus twelve months after the time period being considered; which on the one hand represents poor timeliness, but on the other hand is still an improvement from what