
Māori News Items for the Week to 25 May 2018 edition 17

  Gina Solomon (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Kuri), Dr Charlotte Severne (Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāi Tūhoe) and Henare Walker have been appointed to the Forestry Ministerial Advisory Group. The Forestry Ministerial Advisory Group will initially focus on supporting Te Uru Rākau (New Zealand Forestry Service) to deliver the One Billion Trees planting programme. Margaret
Climate Change Environment

Climate Change Report Released: edition 17, 25 May 2018

Yesterday the Ministry for the Environment published the second (and final) report from the ‘Climate Change Adaptation Technical Working Group’.[1] This is a grouping of ten specialists established by the Minister, James Shaw, to provide recommendations on what New Zealand needs to do to adapt to the effects of climate
Economic Social Welfare

Household living-costs March 2018 Quarter Released: edition 17, 25 May 2018

Last Monday Statistics New Zealand published the household living cost price index, for the quarter to March 2018. This data set is designed to show the effect of price increases on different households. The data shows that households overall experienced inflation cost rises of 0.8% – but for Māori households

Public Housing Report Released: edition 17, 25 May 2018

Last week The Ministry of Social Development released its public housing quarterly report, to 31 March 2018. (‘Public housing’ is a newish Government phrase, inclusive of ‘state housing’ and community-owned housing: the term replaces ‘social housing’.)  We note the report finds that 36% (23,600-odd) public housing tenants are Māori.  That
Economic Education Health Settlements

Budget Extracts, Vote: Treaty Negotiations, Education & Health. Edition 17, 25 May 2018

Budget Extracts, Vote: Treaty Negotiations Vote: Treaty Negotiations contains a multi-year appropriation of $1.4 billion, which this Budget now extends out to 2021/22. This is a nominal amount, to settle all historic Treaty of Waitangi claims, and remains unchanged each year despite expenditure against it.  This year (2017/18) the Government