Education Social

Edition 14 – 4 May 2018: Unconscious Bias in the Classroom

This week there has been media discussion on teachers’ ‘unconscious bias’ against Māori learners – and whether addressing this is the key to improving Māori educational outcomes. The essence of it is that, without knowing it, some/many teachers may hold low outcome expectations for Māori learners, and therefore not focus
Education Social

Edition 14 – 4 May 2018: NCEA Achievement Data 2017

Last month the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) released NCEA data tables for 2017.[1] This data shows NCEA participation and success rates, via ethnicity, both nationally and at an individual school level.   We have provided tables outlining key Māori data. As noted above, overall the data demonstrates that significant disparities
Education Social

Edition 14 – 4 May 2018: Māori Tertiary Education Data

Last month the Ministry of Education uploaded its latest edition of the annual tertiary education report, ‘Profiles and Trends’ (part 6 of 6). This report contains 2016 data, but nevertheless, it does contain some useful Māori learner information; some key points being: 15% of Māori aged 16 to 64 participated
Education Social

Edition 14 – 4 May 2018: Monitoring Youth Guarantee 2017: Secondary-Tertiary Programmes

Last month the Ministry of Education published its monitoring work concerning its Youth Guarantee programme, which commenced in 2011. These second-tertiary programmes – often known as ‘trade academies’ allow young people to remain enrolled in a school while participating in a range of education programmes delivered by tertiary providers.  The
Education Social

Edition 14 – 4 May 2018: Māori adults’ literacy, numeracy and problem solving skills

The results of the 2014 survey of Māori adults’ literacy, numeracy and problem solving skills was published last month. Two key points: it is a good piece of work, and it contains a number of positive trend findings. In essence, although there are disparities with non-Māori, at this time the
Education Social

Edition 14 – 4 May 2018: Partnership Schools Report

The Ministry of Education has also released a report prepared by MartinJenkins (a consultancy firm) on outcomes from partnership schools – which are also known by the Labour Party as ‘charter schools’ (privately run schools with State funding, but with exemptions from normal curriculum and teacher requirements.) We have written
Education Social

Edition 14 – 4 May 2018: Student Mobility Across Schools and its Links to Under-achievement

The Treasury also recently provided a Working Paper on the education sector, focusing specifically on student mobility. In short, it finds that students who change schools a lot have lower educational outcomes than others.  More technically, students who attended five or more schools between the ages of 8 and 14
Education Social Te Reo

Edition 14 – 4 May 2018: National Monitoring of Te Reo Language Learning

The Ministry of Education has also released information from its 2016 National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA) for the learning languages area of the New Zealand Curriculum. This work looks at student achievement at Year 4 and Year 8 of schooling, and includes Te Reo Māori.[1] The findings for

Edition 14 – 4 May 2018: Household Labour Force Survey – Data Released

On Wednesday Statistics New Zealand released the Household Labour Force Survey results for the quarter to the end of March 2018. The survey shows that national unemployment has dropped slightly to 4.4%. However, for Māori the unemployment rate experienced an increase and is now 9.6% (up from 9%).  Consistently, the
Social Whānau Ora

Edition 14 – 4 May 2018 Whānau Ora Review

This week the Government released the terms of reference for a review of Whānau Ora. The purpose of the review is to: “scope the applicability of a whānau-centred approach as a useful exemplar for improving outcomes for whānau across government with an emphasis on the social sector; assess the ability
Rōpu Māori

Māori News edition 14 – 4 May 2018

Ngāti Tamaoho Claims Settlement Yesterday the second reading of the Ngāti Tamaoho Claims Settlement Bill was completed in Parliament. The settlement includes a commercial and financial redress of $10.3 million, and a cultural revitalisation fund of $590,000.  On Thursday the Electoral (Entrenchment of Māori Seats) Amendment Bill was introduced