Rōpu Māori

E11 Salient Māori News Items for the Week to 6 April 2018

 Periodic Tenancy Reviews of Public Housing Tenants Last Thursday the Minister of Housing, Phil Twyford, announced that periodic tenancy reviews of public housing tenants would be paused (until the end of June), while the Minister considers whether the groups of tenants exempt from the process should be widened. Tenancy reviews
Settlements Treaty

E11 6 April 2018 – Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki Nui-ā-Rua Initial Deed of Settlement

Last month a Deed of Settlement was initialled between Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki Nui-ā-Rua and the Crown. The settlement will include the vesting of 33 Crown-owned sites to Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki nui-a-Rua, $93 million in financial redress and the right to purchase properties including 70% of the Ngāumu Forest

E 11 6 April 2018 – Inquiry Into Historic Abuse in State Care – Draft Terms Released

Last Thursday the draft terms of reference for the Royal Commission of Inquiry into historic abuse in State care were released, and public submissions are now open until 30 April. The inquiry website and draft terms advise that a “key focus will be the impact of abuse in state care
Employment Social

E11 6 April 2018 – Minimum Wage Rise

On 1 April the changes to the minimum wage came into effect, raising the adult minimum wage rate by 75 cents per hour to $16.50. This is effectively a $30 per-week increase to $660 for a full-time worker on this rate.  This equates to an additional $1,560 per annum, (or

E11 6 April 2018 – Māori Income Report Released

Last Thursday a report on Māori income projections was released by Tokona Te Raki /The Māori Futures’ Collective (which is a Ngāi Tahu led collaborative initiative). The report is called Change Agenda: Income Equity for Māori, and was prepared by BERL (an economics-focused consultancy firm). First, the authors compare Māori