Health Rōpu Māori Social

Salient Māori News Items for the Week to 16 March Edition 8/ 2018

On Wednesday the sale of plain packaging tobacco products came into force. Plain packaging is a measure introduced under the Smoke-free Environments (Tobacco Standardised Packaging) Amendment Act. The potential benefit of plain packaging should be disproportionally positive for Māori.  This is because the smoking rate amongst Māori is double that

Panui Edition 8, 16 March 2018 Child Poverty Data and Legislation

In Pānui 2/2018 we advised that The Treasury was reforecasting its estimates of children living in poverty, and projected changes that might occur via the introduction of new policy settings from the Government.[1] That work is now completed, and in essence the agency considers that slightly less children are living
Education Social

Panui 8/2018 16 March 2018 Iwi Education Profiles Released

Earlier this month the Ministry of Education released updated iwi education profile fact sheets.  These two page fact sheets provide data on the participation and achievement of children affiliated to a particular iwi (there are 65 iwi profiles in total).  The datasets include early childhood participation, school enrolments, NCEA Level
Economic Forestry

Panui Edition 8, 16 March 2018 – Regional Development Fund Update

This week the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) Advisory Panel was announced, along with some further investment priorities for the year. The role of the Panel is to give independent advice to Ministers on larger fund applications. (Note officials consider applications below $1 million, a small group of Ministers consider funds

Edition 8, 16 March 2018 Mana Wāhine Treaty Claim WAI 2700

This week the Waitangi Tribunal held a judicial conference on the proposed scope of the Mana Wāhine Treaty of Waitangi claim (WAI 2700). I.e. an initial discussion with interested parties on the proposed terms of reference, timetabling options for hearings, and the like. By way of background, the Mana Wāhine

Panui Edition 8 – 16 March 2018 Crown/Māori Relations – Role Definition Cabinet Paper

The Ministry of Justice has released a Cabinet Committee paper concerning the Ministerial role of Crown/Māori Relations (which is held by Kelvin Davis). This role was established after the General Election, (last September), but until now details as to the breadth of duties have been scarce, hence this paper addresses