Corrections Social

Panui E7 9 March 2018 Māori Imprisonment – The Waikeria Policy Proposal

Over the last two weeks media have been reporting on the pending Cabinet decision as to whether to agree or not to a circa $1 billion spend on significantly extending Waikeria prison (located about 40 kilometers south of Hamilton). The proposal is to build what commentators described as a ‘mega
Health Social

Panui E7 9 March 2018 Mental Health Report Released

Last week the Mental Health Commissioner, Kevin Allan, released a Monitoring and Advocacy Report, regarding mental health and addiction services. This report is well timed as a feeder into the Government’s Mental Health and Addiction Inquiry.  (The inquiry is just commencing and will report back to the Minister of Health

Panui E7 9 March 2018 – Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement Signed

This morning the Minister for Trade and Export Growth, David Parker, signed New Zealand up to the ‘Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for the Trans-Pacific Partnership’ (CPTPP, formally known as the TPP). The ‘free’ trade deal with ten other Pacific-rim nations will remove tariffs on circa $10 trillion worth of products. 
Economic Environmental

Panui E7 9 March 2018 Report from the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

On Wednesday the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Simon Upton, released a report to Parliament on climate change reduction initiatives. In essence, to achieve the target of the 2015 ‘Paris Accord’ of which New Zealand is a signatory – i.e. to hold the increase in global temperature to well below