Rōpu Māori

Edition 6/ 2018 Salient Māori News Items for the Week to 2 March 2018

Tuaropaki Trust has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Obayashi Corporation (a Japanese company) to pilot the use of geothermal power as an energy source to make hydrogen. The Ministry of Education has today released Iwi Education Profiles. We will review these next week, but note that with the
Education Social

Panui Edition 6/ 2018 2 March 2018 – Tertiary Education Commission Investment Plan Briefs and report on Māori and Pasifika Trade Training (MPTT)

The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) has published renewed Investment Plan Briefs for tertiary education providers seeking funding. Each year this guidance indicates removing disparities experienced by Māori and Pasifika should be included within the investment plans (funding bids).  This year, however, the TEC has made working towards parity in outcomes
Te Reo

E6/2018 2 March 2018 Responses to the Māori Affairs Select Committee Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Māori and Te Māngai Pāho

Last week the written responses to the Māori Affairs Select Committee of both Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Māori and Te Māngai Pāho were uploaded on to the Parliamentary Website (following their sittings before this Committee). These documents respond to questions put by Committee members: for example what salaries
Te Reo

Edition 6/ 2018 2 March 2018 Te Reo Māori – Sector Briefings to the Minister

Following the election last September, all Government agencies prepared Briefings for Incoming Ministers (known as ‘BIMs’) which were then released in late December. There are over 100 such briefings and subscribers may recall we reviewed the Te Puni Kōkiri (Māori Development) briefing upon release, Pānui 41/2018 refers. We have also

Edition 6/2018 2 March 2018 Cultural Activities Research Released

Last week Statistics NZ published new research entitled ‘Kiwis’ participation in cultural and recreational activities’, and within this one of the areas they investigated was engagement in Te Ao Māori. We have summarised these results below for annual participation, and in our view the results show the majority of Māori
Economic Land

Edition 6/ 2018 2 March 2017 Petition of Māori Land Acquisition

On Monday the Māori Affairs Select Committee released its report on the petition of Catherine Delahunty and 4,814 others concerning the protection of Māori land from compulsory acquisition. By way of background, while in opposition as a Green Party Member of Parliament Ms Delahunty introduced a Bill to exempt Māori
Education Employment Health Housing

Panui 6/2018 2 March 2018 Change of Focus at The Treasury

In the last two weeks The Treasury has released a new Statement of Intent (SoI), and a series of discussion papers on ‘Higher Living Standards’. Both are significant policy items in that they signal a major change of focus for this central agency. The first objective within the agency’s new

Panui edition 6/2018 2 March 2018 – New Leaders for National and New Zealand First

On Wednesday Simon Bridges (Ngāti Maniapoto) was elected leader of the National Party, with Paula Bennett (Tainui) reconfirmed as the Deputy Leader. Some media outlets have pointed out that this is the first time the National Party has had tangata Māori in both of these two key roles.  There has