Rōpu Māori

Salient Māori News Items for the Week to 9 February 2018 (Edition 3/ 2018)

Today applications open for the Māori digital technology fund, Ka Hao, (formally called the Māori ICT Development Fund). The funding is focused on creating high value employment and business ventures for Māori within the digital (information technology) sector.  Use the link below for application information, and note the three current
Education Government Social

Parliamentary Items of Note 09 February 2018 (Edition 3/2018)

Parliamentary Items of Note Yesterday The Minister of Education, Chris Hipkins, introduced an Education Amendment Bill to Parliament. Amongst other items this Bill proposes to remove National Standards from schools and ends partnership (charter) schools.  Both of these items are of interest to Māori policy.  First, the majority of partnership
Housing Social

Public Housing Register – Data To 31 December Released 09 February 2018 (Edition 3/2018)

Public Housing Register – Data To 31 December Released Last week The Ministry of Social Development also published its public housing register data, plus a new report on the topic. (Note ‘public housing’ is the new Government phrase, inclusive of State housing and community-owned housing: the term replaces ‘social housing’.)
Employment Social

Māori in the Labour Market Report Released 09 February 2018 (Edition 3/2018)

Māori in the Labour Market ReportOn Monday the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment released a report entitled Māori in the Labour Market – Monitoring Report 2017. This report collates existing information from the household labour force survey from 2012 to 2017.  (It uses annualised data, so the figures are
Employment Social

Household Labour Force Survey – Data Released 09 February 2018 (Edition 3/2018)

Household Labour Force Survey – Data Released On Wednesday Statistics New Zealand released the Household Labour Force Survey results for the quarter to the end of December 2017. The survey shows that national unemployment has dropped slightly to 4.5%. For Māori the unemployment rate also experienced a drop falling to
Employment Social Welfare

Benefit Fact Sheets – December 2017 Data Released: 09 February 2018 (Edition 3/2018)

Benefit Fact Sheets – December 2017 Data Released The Ministry of Social Development has released Benefit Fact Sheets for the quarter to 31 December 2017. In total, at the end of the quarter 289,788 New Zealanders (and their households) were welfare reliant.  This included circa 103,918 Māori, plus their whānau
Education Employment Housing Social

Policy Observation: Targeted Programmes versus Generic Support 09 February 2018 (Edition 3/2018)

Policy Observation: Targeted Programmes versus Generic Support This week’s edition of Pānui presents the newly released quarterly socio-economic data on Māori welfare rates, employment/unemployment levels, and public housing needs – i.e. some of the core measures of socio-economic wellbeing. All of the data shows significant disparities.  For this reason we

Waitangi Day Celebrations 09 February 2018 (Edition 3/2018)

Waitangi Day Celebrations “if you ask me the distance between this whare and the old homestead is the difference between us as people, the inequality we still have. The distance between here and here is unemployment, is rangatahi who don’t have hope for their future, it’s the poverty that exists