Health Social

Whānau Ora Research Released – 24 November 2017 (edition 39/2017)

Te Puni Kōkiri has uploaded onto its website a research report prepared by Te Whānau o Waipareira on whānau health and wellbeing in West Auckland. The report is entitled Kia Pū Te Wai o Pareira.  Overall, the researchers emphasise that there are four common ‘catalysts’ that support whānau in urban

Iwi Annual Reports – Summary Financial Briefs Tables – 24 November 2017 (edition 39/2017)

    Te Rūnanga Ā Iwi O Ngāpuhi (Group Result)   Balance Date: 30 June 2017 Census Population: 125,600 Income: $18.4 million Assets: $57.6 million Expenses: $16.8 million Liabilities: $1.7 million Net Surplus: $2.6 million Equity: $55.9 million Return on Assets 4.5% Debt to Equity 3%   Notes: Trading surplus

Iwi Annual Reports – Summary Financial Briefs – 24 November 2017 (edition 39/2017)

At this time of the year many iwi groups are publishing their annual reports (with a balance date of 30 June), in order to prepare for their annual general meetings. This week we have reviewed financial information for the four largest iwi entities by population size – Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Porou,