
Salient Māori News Items for the Week to 17 November 2017 (edition 38/2017)

The Federation of Māori Authorities (FoMA) is holding its annual conference, which also marks its 30th Anniversary, in Rotorua this weekend. The focus is on future directions, with Chair Traci Houpapa indicating a key objective is to strengthen the existing relationship between the Government and the Federation.  Prime Minister Jacinda

New Māori Language Policy – Skeleton Announcement – 17 November 2017 (edition 38/2017)

The Māori Development Minister, Nanaia Mahuta, has indicated that she is focusing policy efforts on increasing the supply of Māori language teachers, to help fulfil her party’s (Labour) commitment around extending the use of Te Reo Māori in schools. Our assessment of the announcement is mixed. On the positive side,

Local Government Voting Against Māori Wards – 17 November 2017 (edition 38/2017)

Over the last month a number of local authorities have been reporting their internal voting as to whether to establish Māori wards. We advise Whangarei, Napier, and Waikato District Councils, and the Hawkes Bay Regional Council, have all rejected such motions put up in their respective meetings.  Whakatane District Council,
Government Social

Māori Mortality Rates – 17 November 2017 (edition 38/2017)

Last month The Ministry of Health released mortality statistics, which is one area of demographic data missing from the Te Puni Kōkiri report above. (Note the report is derived from 2014 data, the Ministry does not explain why it is unable to report on more recent data.) Overall, the Māori
Government Social

Report on Māori Population Released – 17 November 2017 (edition 38/2017)

In addition to the Māori Population Estimates, we note Te Puni Kōkiri has also uploaded onto its website a new statistical report on the Māori population. This report is entitled, Tātai Tāngata ki te Whenua / Future Demographic Trends for Māori.[1] This report, drawing largely upon data already published by
Government Social

Updated Māori Population Estimates – 17 November 2017 (edition 38/2017)

This week Statistics New Zealand released the Māori population estimate for 2017.[1] The new estimate is 734,220 tangata Māori – up by 10,900 tangata from 2016 (1.5% increase).  The population remains mostly youthful – one in three Māori are aged 14 years or younger, although the median ages are 22.9
Social Welfare

Sole Parent Benefit Sanctions To Be Removed – 17 November 2017 (edition 38/2017)

This week the Minister of Social Development, Carmel Sepuloni, advised that the Government will remove financial sanctions which are imposed on sole parents who do not identify the other parent. She considered that there was no evidence sanctions help to ensure the absent parent was meeting their child support obligations.