
Salient Māori News Items – 13 October 2017 (edition 34/2017)

Whakaki 2N Incorporation in Iwitea has received a $40,000 grant from the Ministry for Primary Industries to find the best sustainable use for its 466 hectares adjacent to Lake Whakaki.   Auckland University is undertaking a survey of Māori adults on financial attitudes. The focus is to better understand Māori
Education Social

Education Statistics – Correction – 13 October 2017 (edition 34/2017)

In Pānui 29/2017 we wrote about Public Achievement Information Data released by the Ministry of Education. There was an error in our article – in that we incorrectly stated the Ministry had not released data relating to hours of early childhood education consumed by tamariki Māori.  In fact that information
Education Social

Māori Tertiary Education Data Released – 13 October 2017 (edition 34/2017)

The Ministry of Education has released an excel worksheet summarising Māori participation in tertiary education in 2016. The worksheet is in addition to the agency’s wider commentary report on tertiary education, entitled ‘Profile and Trends 2016’ which has also been partially released (3 of 6 volumes were released last month).[1] 
Government Social

New Iwi Statistical Standard Released – 13 October 2017 (edition 34/2017)

Statistics New Zealand has released a new iwi statistical standard, ready for use for the 2018 Census. The standard is the way in which an iwi grouping can be recognised within all official data sets.  In essence, the past iwi standards were developed in 1994, in the context of Treaty
Government Social

Ministry of Social Development – Statement of Intent Released – 13 October 2017 (edition 34/2017)

Prior to the election the Ministry of Social Development released a new Statement of Intent (which is its medium-term plan). In the past we have been highly critical of this agency for simply ignoring Māori within all planning documents – despite Māori being major users of services from this agency. 
Employment Government Social

Jobless Households Data Released – 13 October 2017 (edition 34/2017)

Statistics New Zealand has released new data on jobless households. This data will be of high interest to subscribers working on socio-economic issues, as unemployment is generally only considered at an individual level.  However, as the Department correctly notes, the impacts of joblessness on individuals can be mitigated by the
Government Social

Population Projections – 13 October 2017 (edition 34/2017)

Statistics New Zealand has released population projections to 2038. Over this 21-year period the midrange projection is for the total New Zealand population to reach circa 5.8 million people; inclusive of circa 1 million tangata Māori (i.e. 17% of the population will be Māori). The projections include five year estimates,