Education Social

Education Results Action Plan Released – 25 August 2017 (edition 29/2017)

The final item released by Minister Kaye was the “Better Public Service Result 5 Improve Mathematics, Pāngarau, Literacy and Te Reo Matatini Skills for All Students Result Action Plan.” This is essentially a ten page document that sets a target of ensuring 80% of learners are achieving at or above
Education Social

Public Achievement Information Data – NCEA outcomes – 25 August 2017 (edition 29/2017)

PIA data relating to NCEA outcomes was also released. Minister Kaye is particularly pleased with the results for Māori and Pasifika learners, noting that: “Māori and Pasifika students have had the biggest increase in NCEA level 2 pass rates over this (five year) period. In 2016, 74.3 percent of Māori
Education Social

Public Achievement Information Data – National Standards – 25 August 2017 (edition 29/2017)

The next set of PIA data relates to schooling. Within this National Standard data is released, but again the data made available is not the full set, only the positive information on learners ‘above or well above’ the standard for their year of learning.  This means there is no current
Education Social

Public Achievement Information Data – Early Childhood Education – 25 August 2017 (edition 29/2017)

The new early childhood data released is on participation rates in these centres, prior to the tamariki starting school. For all groups participation is inching higher, and in 2016 the rate for Māori tamariki was circa 95% – up from circa 90% five years ago (2011).  This is positive and
Education Government Social

Education Plan and Data Released – 25 August 2017 (edition 29/2017)

Last Friday the Education Minister, Nikki Kaye, announced that new educational data had been released showing early childhood education and schooling outcomes for 2016, along with a new plan to, “lift achievement in maths and writing”. We have considered the data and plan in relation to Māori education outcomes. Background
General Election

Māori Party – ‘Policy’ (sic) Announcements – 25 August 2017 (edition 29/2017)

In addition to the above, this week the Māori Party finally released its General Election policy statements. We have summarised these below, and given examples of a small number of ‘commitments’ (sic) made in each policy area.  However, we have not undertaken a critical analysis of the commitment statements because
General Election

Māori Party – Endorsement from Kiingi Tūheitia – 25 August 2017 (edition 29/2017)

This week at Koroneihana celebrations Kiingi Tūheitia announced that he, and therefore the Kiingitanga movement, supports the Māori Party, and all of its candidates. This is of course a stellar endorsement for the Māori Party, which already has other prominent iwi leaders involved in its election campaign (for example Ngāhiwi