
Salient Māori News Items to 21 July 2017 (edition 24/2017)

As advised in the quarterly edition of Pānui (23/2017) the Te Ture Whenua Bill will not be read for a third time in Parliament before the election. As previously advised we agree with this deferral, as there is insufficient evidence to show that the majority of Māori land owners outrightly

Appointments and Awards – 21 July 2017 (edition 24/2017)

Che Wilson (Ngāti Rangi) has been appointed as a member of a Tribunal to consider whether Waikoropupū Springs should be subject to the Water Conservation Order. (An application for the order was filed by Ngāti Tama and Andrew Yuill, to ensure greater protection of the water.) Hemi Dale has been
Protests Settlements Treaty

Tauranga Treaty Settlement Protests – 21 July 2017 (edition 24/2017)

Over the last few weeks some iwi members from Ngāi te Rangi and other Tauranga iwi have been holding protests against the Hauraki iwi collective settlement. The protest group, called Mana Moana, is of the view that the Hauraki iwi collective has no Treaty rights within the Tauranga area, and

Māori Party – Iwi Infrastructure Investment Proposal – 21 July 2017 (edition 24/2017)

On Wednesday last week Marama Fox, Co-leader of the Māori Party, advised that the party’s regional development policy involved ‘iwi rail’ – essentially the idea of using iwi financial investments to redevelop a national regional rail network, in order to bring employment to regional areas. The initial focus would be

Green Party Social Welfare Policy Announcement – 21 July 2017 (edition 24/2017)

Last weekend Metiria Turei announced the Green Party’s new social welfare policy proposal called ‘Mending the Safety Net’. Key features include: (i) increasing all core benefits by 20%; (ii) increasing the value of Working for Families; (iii) raising the minimum wage initially to $17.75 per hour (presently $15.75 per hour)

Referendum Proposal for Māori Representative Seats In Parliament – 21 July 2017 (edition 24/2017)

Last Sunday, New Zealand First leader, Winston Peters, gave a speech to his party which set out numerous election manifesto commitments, including a promise to hold a binding referendum about retaining or abolishing Māori Electorate Seats in Parliament (Māori Seats).[1] In setting out this policy commitment Mr Peters made a

Political Matters – 21 July 2017 (edition 24/2017)

As the General Election is nine weeks away political parties have now commenced their campaigning. Accordingly, for this campaign period Pānui briefings will provide ongoing commentaries on political matters of high relevance to Māori. This week we have outlined a proposal by New Zealand First (on Māori Parliamentary representation), a