
Parliamentary Updates – 30 June 2017 (edition 22/2017)

On Wednesday The Point England Enabling Bill was passed into law. This facilitates the use of 11.7 hectares of the 48 hectare reserve for housing, by Ngāti Paoa, and a further 2 hectares will be provided to the iwi for the development of a marae, as part of the cultural
Economic Government

Māori Asset Base Notes – 30 June 2017 (edition 22/2017)

Currently there are reports emerging that the Māori economic asset base is $50 billion – a figure derived (projected) from a 2013 Te Puni Kōkiri report on the Māori economy. The Te Puni Kōkiri report itself was actually prepared by a separate consultancy firm, but published by the Ministry. We
Economic Government

KPMG Māori Economic Reports Released – 30 June 2017 (edition 22/2017)

Also released in the relation to Māori economic wellbeing are two reports from the consultancy firm, KPMG, entitled, Māui Rau – Adapting to a Changing Word (May 2017)) and Māui Rau – From Signal to Action (June 2017). These reports are also focused on the potential of the Māori economy
Economic Government

He Kai Kei Aku Ringa – Report Back Released – 30 June 2017 (edition 22/2017)

Also released this month with E RERE (the Government’s new Māori Economic Development Strategy) was a report back on the old strategy. This is entitled He Kai Kei Aku Ringa: Growing Food with our Own Hands: Māori Economic Development Highlights 2012-2016. Our interpretation of the purpose of this document is
Economic Government

The Māori Economy Investor Guide Released – 30 June 2017 (edition 22/2017)

Also released this month in the Māori economic space is a 100-odd page brochure / report from New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE), entitled Māori Economy Investor Guide.  (Although note it is not all textual, and contains good use of infographics and images, making it a relatively fast read.) There
Economic Government Land Settlements Treaty

Treaty Settlement Report Released – 30 June 2017 (edition 22/2017)

The law firm, Chapman Tripp, has released a short report on Treaty Settlements, and economic impacts, entitled Te Ao Māori, Trends and Insights. The report commences with some hard hitting statements about the (perceived low) quality of the Crown’s approach to Treaty settlements, noting that in their view Government policy