
Salient Māori News Items for the Week to 23 June 2017 – (edition 21/2017)

In addition to E RERE, a Māori Economy Investor Guide and a He Kai Kei Aku Ringa 2012-2016 highlights report have been released. We are reviewing these documents and will provide a further briefing if required in the next edition of Pānui.   Last week UNICEF released a report

Appointments – 23 June 2017 (edition 21/2017)

Mr Niwa Nuri has been appointed to the Council of Waikato Institute of Technology.
Government Settlements Treaty

Point England Enabling Bill – 23 June 2017 (edition 21/2017)

On Wednesday the Committee Stage of the Point England Enabling Bill was completed, and it is now ready for its third Parliamentary reading. This bill, if passed into law, would facilitate the use of 11.7 hectares of the 48 hectare reserve for housing.  More specifically, Ngāti Paoa will have the
Government Settlements Treaty

Ngāti Tamaoho Claims Settlement Bill – 23 June 2017 (edition 21/2017)

Yesterday the Ngāti Tamaoho Claims Settlement Bill was introduced to Parliament. If passed into law the iwi will receive commercial and financial redress is $10.3 million, and there is also a cultural revitalisation fund of $590,000.  As with all settlements, the iwi will also receive a Crown apology.
Economic Government Land

Te Ture Whenua Reforms – Update – 23 June 2017 (edition 21/2017)

The Parliamentary Committee Stage of the Te Ture Whenua Māori Bill continued this week, meaning it has still not reached its third reading, and continues to fall further and further behind original timelines. We also advise the political debate on the matter has heightened further, with the lead opponent, Labour
Economic Government

E RERE: New Māori Economic Development Strategy – 23 June 2017 (edition 21/2017)

Last Friday Simon Bridges (Minister for Economic Development), Te Ururoa Flavell (Minister for Māori Development) and Robin Hapi (Chair of the Government’s Māori Economic Advisory Board) launched a new Māori Economic Development Strategy. The new strategy is called, E RERE, and is the next instalment for the Government’s self-proclaimed ‘Crown-Māori