
Salient Māori News Items for the Week to 17 March 2017 (edition 08/2017)

Ngāti Tama (Te Tau Ihu) has applied to the Nelson High Court for a judicial review of a decision by Tasman District Council to grant consent for a water bottling company to extract water from Te Waikoropupu Springs. Nga Hau e Wha National Marae (Christchurch) is building six houses on

Appointments and Awards – 17 March 2017 (edition 08/2017)

Rahera Ohia and Ngaroma Tahana have both been reappointed to the council of Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology. Haamiora Raumati has been appointed an Acting District Court Judge, with a Family Court warrant, to be based in Gisborne.

Parliamentary Matters – 17 March 2017 (edition 08/2017)

On Tuesday the Resource Legislation Amendment Act passed its second reading in Parliament, with support votes from the Māori Party allowing it to proceed (as Act and United Future oppose this legislation). Subscribers will recall that last week we advised the Māori Party had indicated it still had concerns about
Settlements Treaty

Office of Treaty Settlements – Progress Report – 17 March 2017 (edition 08/2017)

The Office of Treaty Settlements has now released its Year to Date Progress Report 1 July 2016 – 31 December 2016. This report usefully tracks the progress of all Treaty settlements in a simple tabular format, although the redress amounts are unnecessarily excluded. During the reporting period 19 milestones were

Ngā Iwi o Taranaki – Terms of Negotiation Reached – 17 March 2017 (edition 08/2017)

Terms of Negotiation have been entered into between the Crown and Ngā Iwi o Taranaki. This means the parties can now negotiate towards achieving an Agreement in Principle (target date is August), and eventually a final settlement. [By way of background, Ngā Iwi o Taranaki is comprised of eight Taranaki

Ngāti Rangi – Agreement in Principle Reached – 17 March 2017 (edition 08/2017)

Ngāti Rangi (southern Ruapehu) has signed an agreement in principle with the Crown to settle all of its historic Treaty of Waitangi claims. The agreement provides for financial and commercial redress of $17 million, with cultural redress that focuses on the management of conservation lands in the Ruapehu area.  A
Settlements Treaty

Te Wairoa Settlement – First Reading In Parliament – 17 March 2017 (edition 08/2017)

Also on Wednesday the Iwi and Hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa Claims Settlement Bill was read for a first time in Parliament, and referred on to the Māori Affairs Select Committee.  This bill, if passed into law, will settle historic Treaty of Waitangi claims relating to the Te
Settlements Treaty

Whanganui River – Treaty Settlement Passed into Law -17 March 2017 (edition 08/2017)

  On Wednesday the Te Awa Tupua (Whanganui River Claims Settlement) Bill passed its third reading in Parliament, and will therefore be enacted into law after receiving Royal Assent. This legislation gives effect to the Whanganui River Deed of Settlement signed in 2014, which settles the historical claims of Whanganui

Better Public Services Goals – Analysis of Results for Māori – 17 March 2017 (edition 08/2017)

  This week the Minister for State Services, Paula Bennett, announced the release of new data tracking the progress of the ten Better Public Services (BPS) goals. [By way of background these goals – also called ‘challenges’ or ‘targets’ – were established as whole-of-Government priorities in 2012, and are supposed
Government Social

Children, Young Persons and Their Families (Oranga Tamariki) Bill Amendments – 17 March 2017 (edition 08/2017)

  This week the Minister for Social Development, Anne Tolley, indicated that the Government would now amend the wording within the Children, Young Persons and Their Families (Oranga Tamariki) Bill relating to the placement of Māori children in State care. This is a major win for the Māori Party, particularly