
Māori News and General Items To 3 February 2017 (edition 02/2017)

  The Green Party has (re)announced its policy commitment for compulsory Māori language learning in schools. Media outlets report a new plan, although at present no details are available on the Green Party website. Māori Party co-leader Te Ururoa Flavell has stated New Zealand should increase its quota of refugees,

Election Announced and State of the Nation Speech Delivered – 03 February 2017 (edition 02/2017)

  On Wednesday the Prime Minister, Bill English, announced the General Election will be held on 23 September. He followed this up by saying if his party wins but is required to partner-up then existing partners – ACT, United Future and the Māori Party – are the probables.  New Zealand
Government Treaty

Select Committee Briefing on Rights of First Refusal in Treaty Settlements – 03 February 2017 (edition 02/2017)

  In late December the Māori Affairs Select Committee provided a briefing to the Government on the Right of First Refusal clause used in Treaty settlements. This Committee consider that these clauses need a review by the Government, to improve future settlements.  In particular, they consider that exemptions relating to
Government Treaty

Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust – Property Development at Shelly Bay / Omarukaikuru – 03 February 2017 (edition 02/2017)

  This week The Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust has reconfirmed that it will go ahead with a joint venture between its commercial arm (Taranaki Whānui Limited) and The Wellington Company, to develop housing at Shelly Bay / Omarukaikuru. By way of succinct background, early last year beneficiaries of this
Government Housing Social

Social Housing Register Data To 31 December Released – 03 February 2017 (edition 02/2017)

  The Ministry of Social Development has released Social Housing Register data to 31 December 2016. This data provides an overview of (reported) housing difficulties being experienced by New Zealanders.  Overall there are 6110 people on the register, including 2690 Māori.  (Note this is a count of individuals on the
Government Social Welfare

Benefit Fact sheets to 31 December 2016 Released – 03 February 2017 (edition 02/2017)

  The Ministry of Social Development released Benefit Fact Sheets for the quarter to 31 December 2016. We have undertaken an analysis of the fact sheets and consolidated Māori specific data into the table that follows. In total, at the end of the quarter, 297,010 New Zealanders (and their households)
Employment Government Social

Household Labour Force Survey – Data Released – 03 February 2017 (edition 02/2017)

  On Tuesday Statistics New Zealand released the Household Labour Force Survey results for the quarter to the end of December 2016.  The survey shows the national unemployment rate has risen to 5.2% (it was 4.9% at the end of September.) For Māori the unemployment rate is now 11.9%, (up
Government Health Social

Whānau Ora Reports – 03 February 2017 (edition 02/2017)

  At the end of last year Te Puni Kōkiri (TPK) released two reports on Whānau Ora. The first report is entitled Formative Evaluation of the Whanau Ora Commissioning Model.[1]  This report, prepared by independent evaluators (not TPK staff), looks at how well the Whānau Ora model is operating, now