
Salient Māori News Items for the Week to 18 November 2016 (edition 41/2016)

  The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Amendment Bill passed its third reading in Parliament on Tuesday (Pānui 40/2016 refers). The Bill will now be passed into law upon receiving Royal Assent. Last week the Government released a consultation document on the fisheries sector. While it has no specific Māori focused content
Economic Government

Emission Trading Scheme Update – 18 November 2016 (edition 41/2016)

  Last month the Ministry for the Environment provided an update on stage two of the current review of New Zealand’s Emission Trading Scheme (the ETS). Submissions prepared from interested parties, including from the Iwi Leadership Group (Climate Change Subcommittee) and the CNI Iwi Holdings cluster have also been released
Economic Government

Marine Environment Report Released – 18 November 2016 (41/016)

  At the end of last month the Ministry for the Environment released a report on New Zealand’s marine environment. Such reporting is now required under the Environmental Report Act (2015).[1] The report raises significant marine concerns. It notes that globally high concentrations of greenhouse gases are increasing ocean temperatures,
Economic Government

Iwi Annual Reports – Summary Financial Briefs – 18 November 2016 (edition 41/2016)

  This week we have reviewed the financial reporting information from three more iwi entities – Waikato/Tainui, Ngāi Tūhoe, and the Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust (Taranaki Whānui ki Poneke). As previously advised, the tables provide summary financial information of group results, i.e. inclusive of all subsidiaries such as fisheries,
Education Employment Social

Labour Party Employment Planning – 18 November 2016 (edition 41/2016)

  Last week the Labour Party released a report called The Future of Work. This 78 page document is a type of pre-election manifesto statement as to how it believes it can improve tertiary education and employment opportunities, if elected to govern next year.  Overall the report has a focus
Health Social

Cancer Rates Released – 18 November 2016 (edition 41/2016)

  The Ministry of Health has released a new statistical report on cancer rates. In regards to Māori, using 2013 data, the Ministry finds: 2,220 Māori were registered with cancer within the year; the Māori cancer registration rate was 336 cases per 100,000 – 27% higher than the rate for