
Salient Māori News Items for the Week to 4 November 2016 (edition 39/2016)

  The New Zealand Wars (1840-1870s) are to be formally commemorated on 28 October each year. (This is the date of the signing of The Declaration of Independence in 1835 by some Ngāpuhi chiefs.)  The first commemorative events will be held in Northland in 2017, and in following years the

Iwi Statistical Standards – 4 November 2016 (edition 39/2016)

  In June we advised that Statistics New Zealand was reviewing and consulting on the statistical standard for iwi (i.e. how iwi, hapū, marae and non-kin groups can be better understood through official data collection processes). The review is now complete, and findings and recommendations have now been published (two
Government Treaty

Mana Ahuriri – Deed of Settlement Signed – 4 November 2016 (edition 39/2016)

  On Tuesday seven Ngāti Kahungunu hapū from the Napier cluster, Mana Ahuriri, signed a Deed of Settlement with the Crown to settle all historic Treaty of Waitangi claims. Along with an acknowledgement and apology, the settlement provides financial and commercial redress of $19.5 million, including the right to buy
Government Treaty

Ngāpuhi Mandating Issues – 4 November 2016 (edition 39/2016)

  This week the chair of Tūhoronuku, Hone Sadler, advised that the board was not able to commence negotiations on the transition to a new mandating structure, as set on in the Maranga Mai report of the iwi. This was said to be because the Tūhoronuku board is seeking an
Economic Government Land

Proposed Māori Land Service Information Brochure – 4 November 2016 (39/2016)

  Te Puni Kōkiri has uploaded onto its website a short brochure on the proposed functions of the Māori Land Service. (Note this Service will be established if the current Te Ture Whenua Māori reforms are passed into law.)  For subscribers following these reforms there is no new information in
Employment Social

Household Labour Force Survey – Data Released – 4 November 2016 (edition 39/2016)

  On Tuesday Statistics New Zealand released the Household Labour Force Survey results for the quarter to the end of September 2016.[1] The survey shows the national unemployment rate is now 4.9% (it was 5.0% at the end of June.)[2]  For Māori the unemployment rate is now 10.6%, (down from