
Salient Māori News Items for the Week to 21 October 2016 (edition 37/2016)

  The Minister for Social Development, Anne Tolley, has indicated that Cabinet has agreed to revised policy in regards to state care, raising the age from 17 up to 21, with transition support and advice available up to 25. This will benefit Māori in particular, who are the largest users
Government Social

United Nations Report on New Zealand – 21 October 2016 (edition 37/2016)

  Earlier this month the United Nations released its Concluding Observations report, concerning its fifth periodic report on the upholding of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child, within New Zealand. By way of background, as a United Nations (UN) signatory the New Zealand Government is required
Health Social

Suicide Statistics Released – 21 October 2016 (edition 37/2016)

  On Tuesday the Chief Coroner, Judge Deborah Marshall, released provisional annual suicide figures for the year to 30 June 2016.  Within the year there were 579 suicides.  This included 129 Māori suicides, two-thirds being males. The Māori suicide rate was 22 per 100,000 people.  This is much higher than
Education Social

Education Sector Report Released – 21 October 2016 (edition 37/2016)

  Last week the Office of the Controller and Auditor-General (OAG) released a report on Māori education matters entitled Summary of our Education for Māori Reports. This is the final report in a series that the outgoing Auditor-General, Lyn Provost, determined to undertake on Māori education matters.  (Refer to Pānui
Education Social

New Zealand Schools Report Released – 21 October 2016 (edition 37/2016)

  Last month the Ministry of Education published its latest edition of New Zealand Schools / Ngā Kura o Aotearoa. This 80 page publication provides an overview of schooling information for the 2015 year, such as numbers of schools, learners, teachers, resourcing levels etc.  It also provides statistical information on